Monday, April 20, 2009

A Big Thank You!

Hi Everyone! As I just posted in my last post, I finally opened my little store, Keepsakes by Melissa, on Friday. I had only posted a fraction of what I will be selling! Well, guess what, everything has sold already except for one thing!! I am in shock and surprised but very, very touched and appreciative! I just wanted to thank those who purchased the items(you know who you are *wink*) and thank everyone for the sweet congratulations and for stopping by the store! I really appreciate ever single one of you!! I have the best friends and readers in the blogging world!!
So now I just have to go and open a separate bank acct for Paypal, ughh! I didn't know you had to have your acct on there!! And then I will update the store with some more stuff!

Oh yeah, and another big thank you to Michelle for giving me this award! I really appreciate it Michelle! Thank you! You are very sweet! I will give out my nominations shortly!

Thanks again and have a wonderful day!!



  1. Congratulations Melissa on selling everything, Good for you ! See we had told you for along time to have a store and that it will be a huge success. Your designs are Beautiful. Your are a very Talented Lady! Trust God he will guide you through this. We can't wait to see what you will be listing next in your Store. I am hoping to see your little altered boxes like you had made for Christmas. They were just so lovely as well.
    God Bless you and your new Adventure.
    Hugs ; }

  2. Congratulations Melissa on selling everything!!!! Good Luck~~~~Olena~

  3. big CONGRATS on your new store AND award! :) couldn't happen to a nicer person! Have a GREAT day!

  4. Heya chickee!! :) So glad your store is a big "hit"!! I also have another award for you on my blog that I posted a couple days ago--sorry I forgot to tell you! lol.

  5. Wow, Melissa ! You're off to a FAN-TA-BULOUS start ! Congratulations!

  6. hola melissa quien gano el sorteo de la maquina para hacer tarjetas
    chau besos

  7. Congratulations! I opened on on artfire, yeah I did the bank account thing too. I wish you well, may everything sell!

  8. Your work is amazing :) I can see why it all sold! I sell over at and I think you would do really well over there too! You should check it out :)
    Good luck with future sales :)


Thanks for leaving me some ♥! I really appreciate it! hugs... Melissa