Monday, August 3, 2009


No projects to share with you today, but I'll have lots tomorrow! I just wanted to share something exciting, well to me it is anyway! :) I was supposed to have a couple of cards in some past issues of CardMaker Magazine, but they never made it in there yet! So I was kinda feeling a little bummed about it! Well, I just started reading the latest issue and I was about finished when I turned the page and saw something familiar! My card!! It is showing a preview of what the next issue will be about! So, yeah! My card will finally be in an Issue of CardMaker!! Woo-Hoo! Well, I hope so anyway! LOL Well, enough blowing my own horn! hehe

Oh, yeah and if you have kiddies who are obsessed with Thomas the Train, like my son is! It is all he talks about, plays with, dreams about, etc..I think he has almost every Thomas the Train and friends out there! You know how much scrappin' stuff I could get with that money!!LOL Well, anyway, if your kids love Thomas, if you ever get the chance to take them to see "Thomas. Live on Stage!" Make sure you do! It is really sweet and so much fun! Thomas is like a Rockstar to these kids! Holey Moley!! You should have heard them all screaming! And that was only when they heard him whistle! They hadn't even seen him yet!! LOL Here are a couple of pics form the show and my son, Antonio having a blast!!(He really was!)
Have a great night!!



  1. CONGRATS! That's so exciting!

  2. Congrats on the upcoming publication!! Wow, look at your little guy ... he's getting so big (and adorably cute!).

  3. Good going, Melissa. It is exciting isn't it ... cute wee one. TTFN ~Marydon

  4. Congratulations. Your son is adorable. I bet he had a grand time.

  5. How wonderful you so deserve to be published as your creations are the BEST ! We are so Happy for you this is truly wonderful we are so proud of you!
    Now on to Antonio he looks so cute in his little shirt, We both hope you all had a wonderful time seeing the show. We are sure just watching him was enough for everyone, The look on his little face is so special. We are sure it made everyone's day!
    (send pix please!)

    ~ God Bless ~
    ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
    We ♥ U

  6. Way t0 go what a great accomplishment! BR-T

  7. Yeah!! I am soooo glad they are finally puting you in Cardmaker. I check for your name constantly!! I am so happy for you-you definately deserve it!!

  8. OMG, I get that magazine! Had to page through to page 78, that is fabulous, I for sure will look for you then, I finally know someone in that magazine, congrats!

  9. Congrats! That is very exciting!! Your son is sooo adorable :-)

  10. Congratulations Melissa!
    My son loves Thomas too - not sure if we've got the show in the UK. Your son is so cute!
    Have a lovely day.
    Clare x

  11. Congrats on being published!! So exciting!

  12. Congratulations !

    Having had 3 boys I have had my fair share of Thomas the Tank Engine !

    even visiting our local steam train station to take them for rides on a life size model, Peep peep !

    Kate x


Thanks for leaving me some ♥! I really appreciate it! hugs... Melissa