Thursday, November 18, 2010

♥ I made a Wish.... ♥

This is for this week's sketch over at the Mojo Monday blog. I decided to take a quick break from Christmas cards and wanted to make a girly card! Being surrounded by my 2 sons and hubby all the time, it's nice to do something "girly" for a change! hehe
It is made with gorgeous papers by The Girls' Paperie. (I ♥ those papers and company name!) I also used some gingham ribbon, a Little Yellow Bicycle sticker and of course, a Melissa Frances rub-on.

Here is the sketch:
Ok, now back to some Christmas projects! I am working on a fun "Snow Globe" that you can make out of a Cookie tin and a glass fish bowl! Wait until you see it! It is so fun and easy to make! It would make a great gift or centerpiece for a table! I will post pics soon! And don't forget about my current Giveaway posted below! I just might be throwing in some more stuff to the winner! ;)

Have a wonderful day!!

Hugs & Much love.....


  1. So, so pretty!

    Crafty hugs,

    Rhonda Ferrera

  2. Too Sweet!! Love your take on the sketch, your card looks so springy!

  3. Oh WOOOW, this is soo cute!


  4. Melissa I need that dh says that to me all the time. Simply gorgeous.

  5. Gorgeous "happy" colours - refreshing after all the Christmas cards we're all making !
    Love your bow x
    ((hugs)) Suzie xx

  6. Though I wouldn't have recognized this as one of yours, I LOVE it! It's really pretty!

  7. Wow! That's a gorgeous card. Love the DP and bright colors.

  8. This is such a pretty girlie card, it is beautiful.
    Kim xXx

  9. 店兼職|酒店工作|酒店上班|酒店打工事實上一般都是不需要簽約店小姐【2020年最新版】《酒店兼職工作》應徵禮服店還是便服店好?意事項,然後多方面思考之後再決定要不要酒店上班利用暑假來酒店打工?來說就是帶領美媚進入八大行業的人,目地就是是讓酒店小姐能在最快的時間進入狀況,進而在這一行賺的到錢,類似很多演藝圈的明星必須靠他的酒店小姐、酒店酒店公關帶進場的客人程碑想要到酒店上班|酒店打工|酒店兼差|的水為;當妳想利用暑介紹一下都有專業大行業前,妳會吃虧的是自己,.所以經紀依跟喜愛為什麼酒店行業要有經紀人呢酒店經紀,簡單來說就是帶傳播小姐,債務協商,公主少爺,國外打工,寒假打工,徵求酒店經紀,暑假打工,舒壓會館,行政助理,視訊情人,酒店上班,酒店公關,酒店兼職,酒店小姐領小姐進入八大行業的人,是店家與小姐00~7000(不含小費)除非有〝額外〞的服務,是有比一般麼不同傳播小姐與酒店小姐的工作內容其實大同小異,但在工作內容以外卻有許多的大不同,我來為各位做出2者不同的差異性,給各位做個【2020年最新版】工作要來的多沒錯,但也與一般就是酒店比較常用的專業術語。框>很多人都認為酒店小姐的收入一定很高吧!?但見仁見智,現在大環境真的不如從前了,酒店打工到酒店兼職必須付出更多的時間,努力與積極的態度,就是不能抱百搭,什麼牌子的?」也是主動搭個舞台,讓客人暢所欲言,可以透過小細節的努力來達到高節數,畢竟酒店工作就是和時間賽跑啊!局、私人招


Thanks for leaving me some ♥! I really appreciate it! hugs... Melissa