Tuesday, May 22, 2012

♥ Spring Giveaway! ♥

♥♥♥ Giveaway Now Closed! Be back soon with a Winner!! ♥♥♥

Hi all! Well, it's time to give some things away, just because. I have to admit though, I was kind of hesitant to hold another giveaway, due to people "disappearing" after the giveaway is over. But I decided to have another one anyway and hopefully people will still stick around afterwards. I will be picking my winner randomly but please don't enter if you are a candy chaser. New friends (followers) are welcome though! I don't mean to sound mean, but I always have huge giveaways that are worth a little bit of money and I don't think it's fair that people only come around for the giveaways. Hope you understand!

Here's what is up for grabs this time!!

♥ Grand Calibur Machine by Spellbinders

 ♥ Grand Scalloped Circles Nestabilities

 ♥ Grand Labels Four Nestabilities

♥ 6x6 Hello Summer Paper Pad by Echo Park

♥ Hello Summer Chipboard Stickers by Echo park

 ♥ 240 Yard Spool of Pink Sorbet Bakers Twine

To win you must do the following:

 ♥ Leave a comment on this post:

♥ Tell me how you will spread the word. Either put a link to my giveaway on your blog, on your Facebook page, by email, etc. I will check on this! ;)

♥ And for a second chance, become my friend (follower)! And stick around! ;)

 That's all you have to do! I will leave this open until May 22nd! I will then post my winner a day or two after that! Good luck everyone!

P.S. I hate this new Blogger format!!

♥♥♥ Giveaway Now Closed! Be back soon with a Winner! ♥♥♥


  1. I have been a follower for a while now, and have ALREADY posted it on my blog sidebar. :)

  2. Wow what an awesome giveaway! :) I am a follower and have been for awhile. I love the look of your projects! :) Thanks for the chance and all the inspiration! I'm sharing this on my FB page. :)

  3. What's a great giveaway! I'm your follower))
    I added link on my sidebar

  4. This is just wonderful! Thank you for your generous giveaways! You rock! I shared on Facebook! http://www.facebook.com/JustJingle/posts/129180553872522

  5. I follow your blog and I have for a long time because you do amazing work!

  6. I've been a follower for two plus years now - very generous candy. Thanks for the chance to win. x

  7. I know what you mean about candy followers....it's right up there along side the "no blog love". Sometimes that can be just as discouraging as a nasty comment.

    Anyways...I'm here to stay. Thanks for the awesome chance, and the great blog.

  8. Oh, right....I"ll tell my friends on facebook, and my blog.
    laurascrafttable.blogspot dot com

  9. I've been following for awhile. Love your work. Fabulous giveaway! Incredible!

  10. THANKS for this chance to win and thanks for your honest post. I'm post a blinkie on my blog to spread the world.

  11. Wowzers what an amazning give away. I have posted a link on my blog and I will post a message on facebook too. I have been a follower for a while, but I know what you mean about the candy chasers :-( I feel your pain with the new blogger layout! Have a great day x

  12. Wow, what a giveaway it is! SO sweet of you! I'm definitely going to post it on my sidebar.. it needs attention! :)

    Annie Rose

  13. I've been a follower for a while and I'm so glad I am. I'm for sure sticking around, no matter what. :)

    Annie Rose

  14. I love your creations Melissa..always inspiring and stunning. It will be a big windfall to me if I win this give away. I will be here with or without the candy.
    The new layout is annoying to me to because I have a hard time looking for the text/icon/gadget.
    Heaney xx

  15. Posted the candy picture and linked on my blog side bar at
    Keeping all my fingers crossed.
    Heaney xx

  16. What a fantastic Giveaway, Melissa. I've posted it on my side bar with a link back to you and will make mention of it in my next post. You are extremely generous, and I'm sorry to hear that some girls pull out after the goodies are given... maybe that's all in the past.
    ... and I completely agree with your statement on the format!!!

  17. Great giveaway Melissa, I have been following your blog for some time. I began following when you did do a giveaway some time back and have continued to follow because your an inspiration to me. I love to see your creativeness. Thank you for the chance to win.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. This is an amazing giveaway!! Woweeee! I am a newer follower and promise to stick around (I am a craft addict!!).

  20. Great sweets!
    Link added to my website http://cohenna.com
    I joined the blog watchers

  21. I tweeted at: https://twitter.com/#!/mimistarquilter/status/194838844577812480

    I hope this counts (I am just learning!!)

  22. I'm a follower and have picture on my blog sidebar. Thanks for the chance to win, I cross my fingers.

  23. Wow!!!!
    What a great candy! Wait, I need to wipe my screen off before I can write a comment :)
    I will begin from the 2nd chance to win:
    I'm a follower for some time now (the kind that sticks...)

  24. Putting this on my sidebar to let people know you have some goodies! Thanks for the chance to win. I would never leave after you offer candy. Fun to keep checking back and seeing new stuff!!

  25. Oh, count me twice, as I already do follow and have for some time!!

  26. And now for the 1st chance to win:
    I've placed a picture (of the Grand Calibur of-course) on my "candy bar" in my blog:

  27. I'm a devoted follower and I'm not going anywhere =)
    Posted on my sidebar


  28. You are so sweet, talented, and generous! I have been your follower for a while now!
    I posted your giveaway on my blog!

  29. Zapisuję się na cukierasy , dodaje do obserwowanych i życzę wielu wielu twórczych prac. Pozdrawiam:)Rozpowszechnię dobre wiadomości na facebooku.

  30. What a great giveaway. I'll post it on my blog and Facebook.

  31. I have been a follower for a while and i make sure to visit at each update! :) Thank you so much for your generosity! I will add a picture of your giveaway on my blog sidebar!

  32. I have followed you through Google reader since we were on the Lindsay's Stamp Stuff DT together!I tweeted:
    Thanks for a chance to win!

  33. oh wow Melissa this is one fnatastic giveaway sweetie. Someone is going to be very happy to win this little lot.
    I'll stick a piccie in my sidebar spreading the word for you.
    Anne x

  34. Hi Melissa! Huge giveaway again! Really amazing! I was already a follower. I've put a link to your giveaway on my blog.
    Thanks for the chance to win!
    Greetings from Spain

  35. Melissa Me too (I hate it so much!!!)

    Wow what an awesome giveaway! :) I am a follower and have been for awhile. :) Thanks for the chance and all the inspiration! I´m no FB User but I will share this wonderfull Giveaway on my Sidebar

    Hugs hellerlittle

  36. cor blimey hunnie what a giveawy im gonna shout this fromthe roof tops its a whopper!!!! i havent been a follower that long but your in my followed blog list and although i pop in and out i love your vitagey/shabby cards..im off to pop you into the side bar..if i canget to it and like you ihate the new blogger!!!!!! takes ages to get the hang off,,hugs sassyxx

  37. I posted about this giveaway on my blog sidebar. Thank you for that chance to win :))

  38. Another Fabulous Giveaway Melissa. You are such a generous and wonderful person. Someone is going to be so lucky. I've linked your giveaway to my sidebar and I'm already an old follower. Thanks so much for the chance
    Hugs, Rosalee

  39. Hi Melissa, I am also a old timer both in age and as a follower! I so hear you about the giveaway and the followers, anyway I will post this on my sidebar and when your over checking up on me, I am also having a giveaway, not as grand as yours but I think it is a pretty good one. LOL!
    Hugs Jenny

  40. I have been a follower for quite awhile now; your creations are beautiful, Melissa!!

    I have posted your giveaway on my sidebar also!

  41. Спасибо за такой прекрасный шанс... эта машинка - моя мечта :))) читаю блог давно http://mentalgifts.blogspot.com/

  42. Spread the word here: http://cjanderik.blogspot.com/2012/04/big-candy.html

    And on my Facebook Group, Crafty Girls!, but it's closed to the public.

    I've been a follower for a long time. Thanks for putting out the awesome candy:)

  43. This is a generous giveaway:) I am a long time follower and I know I do not leave a lot of comments but I do read every post and I love your work so you shouldn't feel like people disappear.

  44. Wow another great give away. You are such a warm hearted person to do giveaways. I might not post on everything but I do come in and check up on things
    Thanks for the chance to win

  45. I'm already a follower and I will post this on my blog. What a huge giveaway.

  46. I shared your giveaway on my blog page
    Once again thanks for the chance to win

  47. This comment has been removed by the author.

  48. you are so generous...I am have been a follower for a long time now...You always have the sweetest giveaways...Thank you for the chance to win...

    Happy Tuesday..

  49. Hi Melissa,
    I have been following you for some time...I have to admit that I rarely if ever comment on blogs for fear that someone may think that I'm a "candy Chaser"....but I so enjoy your creations as they are so inspirational....thank you for all you do...and I will share on my blog

  50. wow this is fab and I am already a follower but will post on my sidebar for all to see.

  51. What an amazing prize. I have been a follower for quite some time, and will pop a pic on my blog next week when I gethome from holidays. May is my birthday month so it would be so great to win. Thanks for the chance

  52. Awesome giveaway! I added your link to my blog. Thanks for the chance.

  53. I've been following for quite a while. And, I'll keep following!

  54. Wow I can't believe anyone would unfollow you!! I may not comment on every post ( but I do read every one!) but I will remain a loyal follower-giveaway or not. Your work inspires me .

    Thanks for another great giveaway. Since I'm not on the blog much these days I'll spread the word over on my FB page ( Daisy's Dandelion Dreams----http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Daisys-Dandelion-Dreams-Vicki-Nichols/222759187738995

  55. I'm a long time follower and have posted about your very generous candy on my sidebar. Thank you for the chance to win.

  56. Hi Melissa. I just became a follower, but I have been reading your blog for a while. Since January I think. I love it! You are so talented at so many things! I am bad at commenting though. I feel like I never know what to say. I don't know you but I am inspired by your work. Thank you so much for sharing your creativity! I don't really have any crafter friends "in real life" but it is so fun to be part of the crafting world through blogs. I will share on my blog. :) I only have one follower though. Thank you again!

  57. I am already a follower and love your blog! Hard to believe that people would unfollow you. I am going to email my crafty friends now about your great blog and giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win! :-)

  58. Thank you for a chance to win a prize...I will post to my fb page..
    I'm liking your blog..

  59. Hi, awesome candy, it´s so generous of you, I have been a follower for a while now, and will post it on my blog sidebar. hope to get lucky!!!
    Greetings from Argentina

  60. Melissa I would love to win this fantastic giveaway of yours! I have enjoyed your blog since becoming a follower a while ago! I am one of those terrible ones that doesn't leave alot of comments but read your posts all the time in reader.

    bee blessed

  61. I posted your fun giveaway on my facebook page here


  62. Here I am, in fact I'm always here, I am already a follower, came honors and thank her again for more than this drawing, bjsss!
    Rose Arts
    Link; http://cantinhoderosearts.blogspot.com.br/2012/04/sorteio-maravilhoso.html

  63. This comment has been removed by the author.

  64. What a generous giveaway. Thank you for the chance. I shared on Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/birdie00000/status/194956543551209472

  65. OMG Melissa, what a giveaway!!!! I follow you by email so I get to see all your great posts and creations!! :o) My blog is still a work in progress (it's a time constraint thing ;o), kwim?). Anyway, I will post this on my FB page. Thanks for this terrific opportunity. Hugs, Sharon :o)

  66. Wow, what a prize package. That twine is beautiful and I just love echo park! A very generous gift to offer. I will spread word on my sad little blog! :) I am already a follower! Here is my blog

  67. what an amazing give away. Thank you for the chance.

  68. I have been a follower for a while now, and have alredy posted it on my blog sidebar. Once again thanks for the chance to win

  69. I've been a follower for ages, I'm blogless so can't post, but will tell and email my crafty friends! Can't believe what you're giving away this time, you do have amazing candies. Sorry to hear that folks disappear after the drawing. They don't know what they're missing!

  70. wow keren.....!!!^^
    saya ingin banget Grand Calibur Machine by Spellbinders ^^
    mudah-mudahan saya beruntung dan dapat hadiah dari kamu. Amien^^

    saya sudah follow blog kamu dari dulu...

    saya sudah share dan pasang sidebar diblog saya tentang giveaway kamu. kamu bisa melihatnya di http://mscova.blogspot.com/2012/04/spring-giveaway.html

    Mudah-mudahan giveaway sekarang saya dapat hadiah dari kamu,,

    terima kasih ^^

  71. I have put a picture up already and I was a follower before! This giveaway is awesome! Thanks for the chance to win!

  72. Hi,
    I am a follower for some time. I love your blog!
    On my sidebare have I posted your candy.
    Thanks for the change to win it!



  73. Hi Melissa, I was browsing to your projects and they are all very beautiful love the chic designs. What amazing just because giveaway, hope I can join. :)

    I have shared a pic with link to here on my new blog.

    I am already your follower before on my old blog and followed you back now. I'm taking each day following the blogs I have been following, it's truly sad to know some left.

    Thanks for the chance on your giveaway.

    http://sisterscraftcafe.blogspot.com (NEW blog)

    http://craftersreference.blogspot.com (OLD blog)

  74. I'm a follower and have been for a long time. I will try to add this to my blog, I am still learning the blog world. So sorry folks don't come back to view all your awesome cards. That is the blog world and blog candy. Thank You for a chance to win.

  75. I have been a follower for quite some time now. I will post it on my facebook http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100001291474475

    thanks for a fabulous giveaway!

    I'm not sure I have done this correctly for face book but that was the url that was showing so if it isn't correct please let me know.


  76. Wonderful giveaway! Thanks for this wonderful chance! I have put a link in my sidebar: http://felicitarihandmade.blogspot.com


  77. Hi Melissa you are always generous. I am your follower for a long time and I am staying. :)
    Your creations are stunning, and love them.
    Your candy is great, love to win the Calibur because I don't have any buggy. :( (no money for that). I added your candy on my sidebar of my blog.

  78. Zapisuję się :) Jestem obserwatorem Twojego blogu już od dawna. Informację umieścliłam również. Pozdrawiam i mam nadzieję, że mi się poszczęści :)

  79. I have been following, and will continue. I empathize with your situation, your blog is more than a giveaway, I truly enjoy the sharing! Thank You

    I will post on my facebook!

  80. I am a follower and have been for quite sometime...you are added to my sidebar....I also have had you in my blog list of my favorites for quite sometime...and think what you are saying is so true...in fact I don,t enter too many giveaways as I don't want to be "known" for that, if that makes any sense...anywho...thanks for the chance!!

  81. Hi Melissa
    Every time I come to your blog it's like a giveaway, thankyou, 'cause you give us so much inspiration and tips on how to do things. This super givaway is like a bonus, you are sooo generous, it would be a dream come true if I was the lucky lady. But even if I don't win I'll still be around love getting your regular emails. I am a follower already but unfortunately don't have a blog or facebook, need to still learn how to do them lol. Thanks again for everything you do for us. Take care

  82. Me again, forgot to mention I'll email my crafting friends x

  83. Have been a follower for a while, but don't have a blog, and would love to be in with a chance at the candy giveaway, but live in the UK, so don't think I am elegable... but anyway love your blog and the inspiration I get from it!..
    Hugz kath...xx...

  84. Wow ... What a great giveaway!!! Thanks for the chance to win :)

    pruttybird at comcast dot net

  85. I've been a follower for awhile now ... Love checking out our blog to get the creative juices flowing. I pinned your blog :)

    pruttybird at comcast dot net

  86. I have been a follower of yours for years and still love your beautiful work. I put this on my blog. http://scrappingranny-colleen.blogspot.com/

    I agree with you, I don't like the new blogger format.

  87. I am a follower of yours for some time now and I like your work!

  88. I'm a subscriber and a follower. Your giveaway is such a genorous gift.. I like the Colorado and print on the give away paper stack.
    Have a good day.
    Dawn RI

  89. Wow, such a lovely give away! I have been a follower for a while now, thanks for the chance to win!

  90. I have spread the word on facebook!!

    mzcherub at gmail dot com

  91. Great candy! I love this things.

    I shared this candy on my blog (sidebar)

    Val Rodrigues

  92. I am you follower a long time ago (crieartezzanato).

    I love your work.

    Val Rodrigues

  93. Hey Melissa! WOW! What a fabulous giveaway! You are always so generous! I know what you mean about 'candy hogs' ... such a shame!
    Anyways ... of course I've been a follower of yours for a long time (sorry I don't come to comment near enough ... my bad!) and I'll be posting your giveaway on my sidebar as soon as I end finish my commenting here.
    Hope you & the family are doing well ... hubby is retiring June 1st ... yikes, that's going to cut into my crafting time! LOL!
    Hugs and thanks again for the FABULOUS opportunity to win some amazingly wonderful stuff! Happy Day!

  94. Great giveaway Melissa! I am already your follower and have posted your candy with link on my blog.
    Love Pearl x

  95. I have been following you for a while now. Thanks for the chance at your awesome giveaway.


  96. Hey Melissa. Well you know that I'm a follower Im sure. Im always stalking about your blog admiring your creations, lol. It is very frustrating when you put items up for grabs when you know there will be numpties that only sign up for the loot. I personally would hate that done on me so would never dream of doing it on someone else. Can I just add......I nearly collapsed when I saw the goodies you are giving away! A Grand Calibur!! I've been eyeing these up for ages and huffing and stamping my feet maybe just a bit because I didn't have the pennies to buy one, lol. Thank you for always being so generous. Im so excited to see who wins this giveaway. I will go pop the details into my blog sidebar now. And you know I'll stick around anyway, lol. Ohhhh I hate the new interface too.....there is far too much to navigate around. It was meant to be easier but I find it far more cluttered. Grrrrr to the new blogger interface! lol. Big hugs, Lee x

  97. I am already a follower! Love checking in on your blog to see what's new!
    Thanks for the chance at the fabulous prizes! They are all terrific!
    mentioning your giveaway to my monthly ATC group I swap with!

  98. I am already your follower. I love your work!
    I'm definitely going to post it on my sidebar

  99. I am a follower but don't have a blog. I have wanted a Grand Caliber for ages and will never buy one. Winning one would be like Christmas!!

  100. I am a follower already. Thanks for a chance to win.

  101. Wow, what a giveaway, girl! I will promote it on my blog at http://www.cwartz1.blogspot.com and on my Cheri Wenger Design facebook page.

  102. WOW!!! What a give away. I will share this on fb. I don't know how long I have been a follower but I plan to stay around for a long time. I totally understand how you feel about "candy chasers"

  103. oh wow! that is one amazing giveaway!!! i'm already a follower...and i've added your giveaway to my blog sidebar. thanks for the chance.

    as for the new blogger format -- you do get used to it -- eventually! i liked the old version better too. not as complicated. :p

  104. Oh my goodness this is like my dream giveaway, seriously!!! I have been wanting a grand callibur for over 2 years, this is just awesome!!! Thank you for even giving me the chance!
    lisascreativeniche at gmail.com

  105. I'm also already a follower! woo hoo!!! Thanks!
    lisascreativeniche at gmail.com

  106. This will be going on my sidebar on my blog!!! Thanks again!!!
    lisascreativeniche at gmail.com

  107. What a paper crafter's grandiose
    Many thanks, Cindi

  108. I follow you publicly via
    Google Friend Connect!
    Again, many thanks...

  109. "Facebook Post!"
    Merci, Cindi

  110. I'll share on FB. Thanks for a chance to win! :-)

  111. I follow you publicly through google. Thanks!

  112. well I won't lie I had no idea about your blog, but I do now :)
    You have real talent such cool projects, thanks for sharing~

  113. All ready a stalker...I mean follower! BTW...Loved your pin cushion idea. Posting this in my sidebar.

    Carol W.

  114. Hi Melissa: Another great give-away. I've been a follower for a long time, as you know. I will also post this on my blog and facebook page. I had major surgery past Friday, so either winning this or a SSS challenge would be such a treat. Hope you can stop by my blog and say hello, I'd really appreciate it.
    Thanks again,

  115. Hi! I'm your follower and I've linked your candy to my side=bar! Thanks for the chance!!!!

  116. Great candy wooow. I'm already a follower and I link you on my sidebar. Thanks for give a chance to win. Maybe I'm the lucky one on my birthday 23 mey.

  117. Hi Melissa, I'm a fan and a follower! thanks for the chance to win - this is an awesome stash!! I am putting a link on facebook for my friends to come check your site out. Thanks again!

  118. I am a long-time follower of your blog and I love it! I find your blog extremely inspirational all the time. I have a link about your giveaway posted on the sidebar of my blog. http://craftykiterscraftycorner.blogspot.com/

  119. I get your emails all of the time I love your site. i don't have a blog but I reposted on facebook. I love your work.


  120. Wow, Melissa! This giveaway is absolutely amazing :) I am a new follower as I just found your fabulous blog (courtesy of another follower.)

    I will definitely be visiting more as I adore your works - They are very inspiring.


    PS - I'd love to see you join us at Tuesday Alchemy: http://tuesdayalchemy.blogspot.com - We have a great prize AND an open DT call this week!

  121. Hi Melissa,
    Thanks for the chance to win. Have been following for sometime now. Think I found you on A Cherry on Top years ago. :) Off to add you to my sidebar on my blog. Hugs!

  122. I'm adding your candy to my side bar.

    Thank you for the chance to win!

  123. I have been a follower for quite awhile. Thank you!

  124. Hi Melissa, I'm all ready a follower.

  125. I add your candy to my side bar. Thanks for the chance to win. jeria22@yahoo.com

  126. I'm a fllower by email and love getting your posts that way. I always appreciate when people offer that option! I've posted your giveaway to my blog sidebar (indianainking.blogspot.com). Great prizes. I'd love to win!

  127. OMG! What a generous giveaway! Thank you so much for the opportunity! I have a pic of the GC with link to your blog on my left sidebar in my Candy Bar with a note that there are more goodies in addition to the GC! I'm smiling! Thanks again! :)
    Hugs, Leslie

  128. Oh, and P.S. I've been a follower for a little while now! Love your blog! Thanks again!
    Hugs, Leslie

  129. I completely spaced on putting the other info in my post. I put a photo & link on my blog to your candy along with tweet, tweeting & pinterest - Yeah!

    BTW - We are having an open DT call at Tuesday Alchemy along with a fun challenge & prize. I'd love for you to join us at http://tuesdayalchemy.blogspot.com

  130. such fabulous blog candy...I posted your  treasures on my sidebar http://kitikas.blogspot.com/  

  131. I am also a follower of your inspirational blog! 

  132. Hi Melissa I found you through Simon says challenge , I have followed for inspiration, have been a blogger for 9 weeks and have built up so much knowledge from other fab crafters , your cards are stunning . Fabulous inspiration well done Hugs Elaine

    I am entering for a chance as a follower and a regular commenter.
    Hugs Elaine

  133. Sorry forgot to say I will put you in my sidebar ....well not litteraly Hugs Elaine

  134. Hi Melissa! I have been a follower for a while and a link to your blog is posted in the sidebar of my brand new blog :-)

    Hugs from Gry in Norway

  135. Hi Melissa! I posted about you grand giveaway (pun intended) on my blog: Paper Crafts, Pass It On


    I am also a long time subscriber. :)

  136. I have been a follower for a while, and you have amazing projects! I posted your giveaway in my sidebar (on the left side). I don't always comment but I read as often as I can!

    cherie.goyer at gmail.com

  137. Wowzers!! Amazing giveaway! I shared on FB:

  138. I have been a follower of your blog for a while and have posted a pic and linkback in my sidebar.
    Fab candy and thanks for the chance to win.
    Becky xx


  139. WOW Melissa....what a fabulous candy giveaway! I just found your blog while surfing the Cheery Lynn Designs blog challenge and clicked on an entry to the challenge and there you were on the sidebar so I thought I would check it out, lol! Am I ever glad I did....I have become a follower and promise to stay win, lose or draw! I'm always interested in new blogs to follow for inspiration and yours is no exception.....I will post your giveaway on my sidebar so others can find out about it...thank you for a chance at some fabulous candy :)

  140. WOW!! Your work is BEAUTIFUL and I will be coming back to look at more of what you have had published. Super jealous!!! I'm trying to locate your button to copy and paste???? I've posted your giveaway on my blog under my "So...What's new"? postings and signed up for your daily emails.
    p.s. let's start a "we hate blogger" post, I bet we'll get 1,000 followers in 1 day!!! LOL
    Creative Wishes,
    Claire S.

  141. Hi,

    I agree with you that there are certain people that only come around when you are giving something away. Suddenly, that person is there commenting every day! When I get a comment from a person on my blog, I go back and leave a comment on their blog. I have built some really good friendships that way, but I have also been suddenly "dropped" by people I thought were my friends, even people who have won prizes from me. Your prizes are a whole lot better than mine! I am so sorry you have been hurt and I know how you feel, I have been a long time follower, but I will sign up with you with e-mail so I will get your blog every day!


  142. How exciting with all these FUN things you are including in your giveaway!! Count me in please!!

  143. I am a new follower so please count me in for your giveaway!!

  144. I emailed my daughter and granddaughters to tell them about your blog and the exciting giveaway!!

  145. Hi Melissa,

    I added your candy to my sidebar.


    I hate the new blogger format too! I switched back to the old one for now but I think it is going to switch me back to the new one in a couple of weeks and then I will be lost! I wonder why they can't just leave it alone?


  146. I am a follower, I shared this on pinterest and facebook
    <3 Pam

  147. I get your posts via feedbiz and am a follower. I shall put a blog post about your giveaway. I enjoy your posts and your giveaways are more than generous. I would love to have these, they are on my wishlist. thanks so much!


  148. Wow - another great giveaway - I do check in, but not as often as I would like between work, scrapping, kids, scrapping...thanks for the great blog and giveaways.

  149. Im a follower and posted on my sidebar http://fibrocraft.blogspot.ca/

    Thanks for the chance and for all the inspiration :)

  150. Great giveaway!!! Thanks for the chance to win.

  151. Hi Melissa. I've "followed" you for a long time without even being an official "follower." You were just on the daily rounds of blog stops. And I've also watched all of your candy for a long time too without participating. I think we've been page mates a few times in the mags as well. I had to laugh at your candy chaser comment because that's all too true, and sad.

    So now I'm officially following you, I'll put this up on cindycoutts.com and my FB page too.

    Your candy is always very generous. Most of all, I appreciate the inspiration that you provide even more with such beautiful work!

    And, as cheesy as this sounds, I love your boys' names!

  152. Found you via SSS birthday hop. Like that you use of variety of products and styles. Fun blog!

  153. I am a new follower and created a badge on my sidebar. kellybertram (dot) blogspot (dot) com

  154. O wow super amazing candy, I would love to have a chance to win, thank you so much, you are so generous... and yes I definitely understand what you mean about the disappearing, not nice at all ... I will be posting on my sidebar. Hugs xx

  155. I posted earlier, but just posted your giveaway on my blog. Here's the link:



  156. hi mellisa i have poped you on my blog and going to copy and paste you over my fb page..i wasnt sure i had to get back to tell you this but seen a few other have i cant tweet you as i dont know how or if i have to get a ap..whats one of those anyway ..cant you see im not tecno..anyways if this is not the right thing to do delete me lol!!!hugs sassyxx

  157. Hi Melissa

    I am already a follower of your lovely blog and do visit regularly, although have to admit that I don't always leave you a comment - I should, sorry :( !!

    I have added your Candy to my side bar. Thanks for the chance to win.


  158. Still checking in on your FAB projects and I've update my posting to reflect your generous giveaway!
    Creative Wishes,
    Claire S.

  159. I am a new follower, I will continue to follow you. Thanks for the chance to win some candy.

  160. Hi Melissa, agree with your point that people stick around only till the candy last. Even I hate that feel. Well I am new to crafting, just started two months back. And I truely wish If I can win. Thanks for the chance dear. And I am urs 3900th follower


  161. its amazing. Wish you all luck. Thanks for the chance.

  162. Piękne candy, oby udało się wygrać :)
    Info- pasek boczny www.handmadebizutki-karolcia.blogspot.com

  163. Hi Melissa. I have been a follower of yours for a long time; I also get email updates everytime you post something new. I love all of your creations, you are so talented! How do you afford all of these giveaways? I would love to win any of these giveaways. I have posted a link to your giveaway on my sidebar. I can't wait to see your next talented creation.
    Hugs xo

  164. Привет, Мелисса!Какой замечательный розыгрыш! Присоединяюсь http://wwwmasteruschki.blogspot.com/2012/05/spring-giveaway.html

  165. Hi Melissa! Thanks for the chance to win this awesome candy!!!!
    I've mentioned your candy on my sidebar! And I'm one of your followers!

  166. Hello Melissa
    Wow, fab candy, I already visit your blog. I have put the candy in my side bar

  167. Hi Melissa
    Well I am new to crafting, just started last 2 weeks, and I truely wish I can win. I only have one butterfly stamp and a some paper. Please help me get started! i love scrapbooking and cardmaking! Thank you :)

  168. Sorry, i just want to say that i've mentioned your candy on my blog http://dedodepapel.blogspot.pt/ and my http://pinterest.com/maramarques/ :)

  169. Hi Melissa I do love your blog and often visit for inspiration ! I have put your super prize on my sidebar and on facebook ! Thankyou so much for the chance and for having such a cool blog to visit ! Crafty Hugs ;0~)

  170. Hi Melissa! Huge giveaway again! Really amazing! I was already a follower. I've put a link to your giveaway on my blog.Thanks for being so generous..ur amazing

  171. This comment has been removed by the author.

  172. Thanks for the chance.... I have posted your link on my face book page...

  173. Thank you so much for the chance to win...I have posted your give away on my fb page. I dont know how to use google account so I have given you my email address that is the best way to reach me....

  174. Spellbinders Grand Calibur Machine!! I don't own it yet, I just dream of being a proud owner of one someday and really hope to be one soon.

  175. I've been your follower for a long time & am off to post this on my blog sidebar.

  176. This comment has been removed by the author.

  177. Melissa, your book cover at Crafty secret's is so lovely. I have tired to make one and have not completed it yet!!! yikeees, you really showcase sandy's products so well over the year...

  178. Thank you for the opportunity to win. Information is in the sidebar of my blog.
    Hugs Mili

  179. I am already a follower of a very long time.

  180. first - sorry, I'm Polish and my English isn't very well ;)
    second - me to! I want enter your giveaway! :) I follow your blog - OliwkaEwka and I put a picture and a link to your giveaway on my blog http://oliwkowescrapowanie.blogspot.com/


  181. Melissa, hello!
    Попала на ваш блог случайно. Но очень понравились ваши работы!
    Еще у вас такая замечательная конфетка!
    Останусь у вас :) буду следить за вашим творчеством!
    Заходите ко мне в гости!

  182. Melissa, Thank you so much for the chance to win. You have been in my list of favorites for a loooonnngg time. I am now a follower. I love your blog. I am adding you to my sidebar of my blog....Janbersjoy.blogspot.com.

  183. I'm your follower. Thank you for a chance to win this grest gievaway.
    I added link on my sidebar

  184. Hi Melissa, Very generous candy.. Thanks for the chance..

    I have added a pic in my sidebar..

    Enjoy the rest of the weekend

    Hugs Kelly

  185. Awesome candy. I am already a follower for awhile now. I have posted to my sidebar djchrist71.blogspot.com

  186. Hello Mellisa,

    I am on your blog for the first time and I am a new follower :)
    Your works are awesome!! :) and I promise to stick and visit often your blog.
    I fully understand your view. I made my own Candies 2 times so I know there are people with different attitudes...

    Thank you very much for your generous candy. It is wonderful! I posted it on my sidebar and also wrote about it in my recent post:

    Thanks a lot again!


  187. Hi melissa!! I put a link to your giveaway on my blog http://www.minideando.blogspot.it/

  188. I'm also your follower!!!!!!!

  189. Hi Melissa

    I have been a follower for a while - I also hate it when people start following just for the candy. I have put a link on my sidebar. Thank you so much for the chance of such fantastic candy.

    hugs Ali x

  190. I'm so excited to have just found your blog through Cindy Coutts Designs--so if you'd rather not enter me in the drawing, since I'm a newbie, then that's fine. However, I will be sticking around, as I am a lover of all things paper crafting and home decor! Also, I will be telling all my crafting friends about you through my FB.

  191. Update: Melissa, here's what I posted on my FB page @ https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=699596856: "For all you paper crafters out there, just found a fun new blog: http://keepsakesbymelissa.blogspot.com/. I generally don't have a lot of spare time to do crafts but when I do, it's nice to have some inspiration!"

  192. This comment has been removed by the author.

  193. Wooow, this is certainly a SUPER generous candy - thank you for a chance to win it! But your blog is just lovely and you have a beautiful shabby chic style. Anyone who once found your blog would be mad to give up stalking it! lol ;))

    I'm a new follower now and I also added your candy to my Blog Candy Cauldron Linky.

    I hope it's OK ;-).

    BW, Asia x

  194. Hi Melissa! Your giveaway is fantastic, thank you so much for the chance to win it!
    I'm a new follower and I've put a pic with a link to your giveaway on my sidebar.


Thanks for leaving me some ♥! I really appreciate it! hugs... Melissa