Saturday, May 12, 2012

♥ Crafty Secrets 2nd Linky Party! ♥

Hi everyone! I hope you all are enjoying your Saturday! Especially all the Mom's! I hope that you all have an extra special day tomorrow! I am spending today {and yesterday} with my Mom {and kids}. She is the most generous, loving and {totally} unselfish person I know. Not to mention, she is as sweet as can be! I love you Mom! Tomorrow is all about spending time with my hubby and kiddos! I am so looking forward to just spending the day with them and not having to cook or clean! yippee!! hehe And I am going to make some time tomorrow night to spend some time with the other love of my life! My CRAFT ROOM! ;) Have a wonderful Mother's Day!!

And if you get to spend some time in your craft room, join the party at the Crafty Secrets 2nd Linky Party! Just link any creation made with a Crafty Secrets product and you could be the random winner of a $50 Gift Certificate to the Crafty Secrets Store! Boy, that would be a nice Mother's Day present!! I ♥ Crafty Secrets!

 This is a card I made, awhile back, with Crafty Secrets Clear Art Stamp Set called Material Girl. I love this adorable set. Just ♥ that vintage sewing machine! Hmm... I think I need to make me a card with that sewing machine!! :)

 Oh, and I am over the moon excited that this box in the shape of a book, that I recently altered, using some gorgeous papers from the new soon-to-be-released Crafty Secrets Typography CD #3, is going to be featured on the actual packaging for the CD! You can Pre-Order the CD HERE! The papers on this CD are absolutely beautiful!! There are also wonderful fonts, templates, vintage ads, ephemera, bingo cards, etc, etc. Take it from me, you won't be disappointed with this amazing CD!

Thank you Sandy!! ;)


  1. What a great way to use buttons!

  2. I will definitely pop on over and enter this linky party. What a generous give-away! Have a blessed weekend.

  3. What a great idea for a button card, would never have thought to use the stamps for this! Love your book box too, it's gorgeous, Marilyn.

  4. Hi Melissa, Marilyn is right, your idea to use our Material Girl stamps to create a button card worked perfectly! Thanks for entering our Linky Party and Happy Mothers Day!

  5. Beautiful card and gorgeous box! I love dressmaker theme and your shabby chic style :))

  6. beautiful card Melissa. Love the pastel colors here and those cute colored buttons.

  7. Great job! :) It is very nice! I like the colors and layout.

  8. O wow this is gorgeous, so elegant, and so creative, love it xxx

  9. Melissa this is absolutely beautiful I adore the colours you use I so love pastel shades and your designs are incredible you are a real inspiration to me, I have gained so much from visiting the blogs of talented people , enjoy the rest of your weekend Hugs Elaine

  10. LOve this cards - absolutely beautiful. Enjoy your Mother's day.

  11. Beautiful idea for use the coloured bottons,gorgeous work!

  12. GORGEOUS card!! Love that stamp set...I can hardly wait to see the card/project you make using the sewing machine image! :)

  13. Hi Melissa. I hope you are having a wonderful Mother's Day. This card is so pretty, I love those stamps. They look gorgeous. Love the buttons too. Ohhh and your altered book box is beautiful, the papers are so gorgeous. Enjoy the rest of your Mother's Day. It was Mothers Day in the UK and Ireland in March, so ours has been and gone. Lee x

  14. Love your cars Melissa! Isn't crafty secrets the most awsome place!! Have a great weekend:)

  15. Hi Melissa, I'm new here. I love your card with the buttons. It really takes me back to when I was little - we had a haberdashery in our town, where I used to choose bags of offcuts and Mum would use them to make clothes for my dolls. They also always sold their buttons on little cards like this. Thanks for the time travel opportunity :-) Amanda x

  16. Well that may be an older card to you, but a new for me. What a great idea to use the botton like that. Beautiful colors too.



Thanks for leaving me some ♥! I really appreciate it! hugs... Melissa