Monday, May 20, 2013

♥ Vintage {Faux} Fruit Crate/Charging Station ♥ {Crafty Secrets Style!}

Happy Monday everyone!! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend! If you are like me, all of the cell phone, ipad, Wii game remotes, etc chargers get in my way all of the time and I hate wires everywhere! So I decided to make a vintage style fruit crate/charging station. I wanted it for my kitchen since that is where I always charge everything. And since I have vintage decor in my kitchen, I wanted something to match it. All of the charging stations I have seen are very modern looking or just very plain. So I came up with a fun way to incorporate something vintage in my kitchen and make something to hide all of those pesky chargers and wires! Let's get started.

Here's what you'll need:

 ~ A Small Wooden Crate
 ~ Fruit or Veggie Label or any type label you prefer
 ~ Mod Podge
 ~ Small Power Strip
 ~ Brown inks for distressing
 ~ White Acrylic Paint

 I picked up this little wooden crate in Michaels for under $8. I also printed out one of the labels from the Crafty Secrets Digi Cooking Printable Sheet. I actually had to make the image a lot larger where the rest of the printables did not fit on the sheet. (See photo) I love this vintage label with the peas mixed with the roses. Just perfect for a kitchen especially in Summer!

Next, cut a round hole in the back of the crate just large enough for the power strip cord to go through. (I forgot to photograph this step) If you afraid to use a power drill, ask for help or just skip this step. If your wire isn't too big you can just run it underneath the crate.

Next I painted the crate white. I wanted a shabby, vintage look, so I only applied 1 light coat. You don't have to paint the inside of the crate, since it will be upside down.

When paint is dry, lightly run 2 different shades of brown ink (1 light and 1 med) over the edges of the crate for a distressed look.

Using a paper distressing tool and brown inks, distresses the label you are using as well.

Next apply a generous layer of Mod Podge to the back of the label. Apply to center front of crate. ♥ Be sure to apply to crate with the opening of the crate on the bottom. So it will be "upside down". When dry, apply 2 coats of Mod Podge over the label.

Now add the power strip to the inside of the crate. You can even add little screws to adhere it to the inside. I just placed mine "underneath" the crate.

Plug your chargers into the power strip and now run the wires up through the "top" of the crate.

Decorate as desired! I added a photo of my kids on top as well as a metal can to store my sunglasses, keys and cell phone. Easy peasy!! If you make one of these, please pass me a note, so I can see yours too!! :)

I'll be back tomorrow with an AMAZING Giveaway for you all!!

Have a wonderful night!


  1. What a very clever idea, xxxx

  2. This is a great idea Melissa and so pretty. Isn't it amzing how we need to recharge our life all day long? My charges are all in a ceramic basket near a plug and I'm charging something at one time or another all day long.
    Have a great week

  3. Adorei, Melissa!
    Ficou ótimo!!


  4. WOW awesome project Melissa! Thanks for always inspiring us!

  5. thanks for the great idea, I am moving that gives me inspiration in your new home perhaps soon converted
    hugs hellerlittle

  6. This is a fabulous idea Melissa, guess what I will be on the lookout foe next time I visit the local supermarket...
    Hugz Kath...xx...

  7. LOVE this Melissa! I'm going to check out Crafty Secrets now :) Thanks for the beautiful inspiration - you ROCK!!!


Thanks for leaving me some ♥! I really appreciate it! hugs... Melissa