Thursday, February 21, 2019

♥ Elegant Jewelry Gift Box ♥

Hi there! Stopping in today with a fun project that I want to share with you. I used some of the dies from the new Shadowbox Vignettes Collection by Amazing Paper Grace for Spellbinders. I made a Jewelry Gift Box that can also be used as a little Jewelry Box. So it's a gift within a gift. And it was super easy to make, thanks to Becca's incredible Dies! :)

I started by making a frame with the Adjustable Shadowbox Frame with 3/4" Border. I then made a top using a piece of cardboard which I then covered in blue cardstock to match the frame. I then scored a 1/2" line at one end and folded it over the edge of the frame securing it with hot glue. Here is the back of it.

I then added the Callista Rectangle Shadowbox Frame Dies on the top of the box and then embellished with lots of pearls, gem strips and ribbon. I added a little crystal in the front to serve as the "handle" to open the box.

This would make a wonderful presentation to someone on their Wedding or Anniversary. Whether you include a piece of jewelry, a card or a gift card, it is something that will be treasured, for sure.

You can find all of Becca's wonderful Dies HERE!

Have a super AMAZING day!



  1. wow, Realy your post is so beautiful.

  2. wow, Realy your post is so beautiful.

  3. 2019.10.11 酒店上班類型多,酒店工作求職者尋職時不一定都能了解職務內容,台北知名酒店經紀公司為大學生、上班族酒店兼差就業通特別製作影片,邀請八大行業職場酒店小姐闡述工作甘苦並給予尋職建議,盼助酒店打工求職者找到適合工作。台灣社會有許多職業,許多求職者往往不瞭解酒店工作內容前往求職,才發現與想像中不同。知名酒店經紀梁小尊/梁曉尊指出,求職者常嚮往看似光鮮亮麗的工作,但其實這些工作背後,卻往往有著難以想像的辛苦。為了避免在學大學生以及上班族兩大族群渴望酒店兼職求職者對職務期待有所落差,八大行業酒店經紀公司特別規劃製作「框出陪睡(性交易)」職業介紹影片,透過拍攝各行各業職場酒店小姐一日的工作內容,讓對這些職業有興趣與志向的求職者及大學生新鮮人更了解八大行業酒店上班產業趨勢與職務工作內容,做好求職前的準備工作。


Thanks for leaving me some ♥! I really appreciate it! hugs... Melissa