Thursday, April 28, 2011

♥ A Super Easy {do it yourself!} Shadow Box ♥

Hi Everyone! Here is a FUN, EASY and INEXPENSIVE way to make your own Shadow Box! And the best part is you can configure it any way you want! It is made out of a down loadable matchbox template and a shoebox lid!!

Just stop by the Hybrid Chick blog, say hi and let me know what you think! All the step-by-step directions and supply list are on there!

I hope you all have a wonderful day!



  1. It looks fantastic!!! Love this sort of works))) Very nice little photos) Great memory!!

  2. Wow, this is awesome!! I'm going to have to make one I think!!! Hugs xx

  3. Wow, this is gorgeous! Definately going to have to chk this out! TFS!

  4. Cool Melissa... I love Shadow-Boxes!
    Great work!
    Hugs Tini

  5. Melissa, This shadow box is just beautiful! So inspirational, TFS!!

  6. Buonasera sono una nuova utente registrata al vostro blog da poco. Spero che possiate capire bene la mia lingua l' italiano io vi seguo grazie al traduttore Google.
    Il vostro post è molto carino anche l' idea che proponete è originale mi è tanto piaciuta. Saluti SILVIA

  7. A fabulous idea and a great creation Melissa.
    I hope you and the family are keeping well.
    luv and hugs {brenda} xoxox

  8. so cute Melissa, how on earth do you find the time!! I love this ♥

  9. Easy, really, it looks so difficult. I have always shyed away from them since the look so complicated. You have done one fabulous job here.

  10. Wow this is awesome, and so cute... doesn't look easy to me ha ha xxx

  11. WOW! this is SO clever! what a fab project! *claps*
    tfs, Jo xx


Thanks for leaving me some ♥! I really appreciate it! hugs... Melissa