Friday, November 28, 2008

Blog Candy Winner's!

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving!! We are still FULL! Well, without further ado, here are my 2 winners! Picked by my son, Antonio!

******* My First Winner is.............................

NIFTY (Pat) who wrote:

Oh Melissa! I just love that clip . Where do you find the over sized cloths pins ? I want to win !!! Just so I can say I have something of yours ....... You are going to be a crafting star you know! As Always, Pat

******* And, my Second Winner is.......................

Michelle who wrote:

OOoh I always wanted one of those but never made myself one! It would be a perfect addition to my desk decorations! I'm doing a snowflake theme in there to liven it up some! I have my fingers crossed!! TFS!

Congratulations! Please email me at with your addy's!!

I wish I could have given one away to all of you! This was soo hard to just give away 2! But, don't forget, I am going to have another blog candy again, real soon!! I love giving stuff away!! Thank you to all my new and old friends for all the wonderful comments! You are all very sweet!

Have a wonderful weekend!!

Hugs, Melissa


  1. congrats to the winners !

  2. Just wondering when you will be posting again.....and changing your back ground here for Christmas ?????


  3. Congrats girls, enjoy!

  4. YEAH! I'm SO excited! I'm changing to winter in the office this week to! Thank you!!!

  5. OMGosh ! How lucky am I ....I am thrilled to win this adorable clip . Thanks Melissa and little Anthony for pulling my name! Hugs and kisses .xoxox Pat


Thanks for leaving me some ♥! I really appreciate it! hugs... Melissa