Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Some good news! ;) and Blog Candy!

I will be joining the Moments to Remember Design Team starting in January! I am so excited! This site ROCKS! The owner, Robin, is just the sweetest! Thank you Robin, you Rock! The DT and members are awesome! And you get to have a Virtual charm bracelet and earn charms for it! You can't beat that!! hehe I can't wait to get started over there!

Oh, well enough of my news! Just thought I would share it with you! Don't forget you have until Friday the 28th,(Happy BDAY Cuz!), to join up for my Blog Candy! It is 3 posts down! Good Luck! And don't forget another blog candy is coming real soon!!

Lastly, I would like to wish everyone a Safe, Healthy and Happy Thanksgiving!

Hugs, Melissa


  1. Congratulations on being picked to be on Another Design Team.( MTR)
    That is wonderful .Were having 16 For Dinner On Thanksgiving 20 for Christmas . Hope you have a good Thanksging as well . Nothing Like Family all around for a Special Holiday Dinner.Giving Thanks to still having our Parents and family and missing those who are not with us anymore Holidays a wonderful and Happy but also sad missing those who are now gone.
    Happy ThanksGiving. God Bless.

  2. Congrats! You are so talented, I'm not surprised she'd want you! ;) I'll have to go check out the site!

  3. Woohoo, congrats Melissa! You totally deserve it and they are lucky to have you!


  4. Wow ... congratulations Melissa! I'm so happy for you! Look forward to seeing more beautiful works of art on your blog!!!

  5. Whoo Hoo! Congrats! Well-deserved...

  6. Way to go Melissa! Have fun!!!
    Have a great Thanksgiving!!!!

  7. Hi Melissa: Congrats you going on "The Moments to Remember Design Team" That is wonderful. Told you that you need to open a place of your own . and Make big Money doing what you do so well an give classes. The are not enough good Scraping places around.
    You Have a very Happy Thanksgiving!
    Also saw you need to start you Christmas Shopping.. (WE are all done and it is all wrapped and put away. even have some of the decorations up on the out side of our House. will finish that over the weekend along wll the cards are ready to be mailed out! Our Christmas cards Friday !!
    Will be checking back after Thanksgiving for you new Post.


  8. Congratulations on your DT gig! Your work is awesome and you so deserve it!

  9. Yeahhhhh!!!! I'm soo happy you're going to be part of my most favorite place online!!! Congratulations Melissa!!

  10. Whoo Hoo! Well-deserved...
    Congratulations on your DT gig! Your work is awesome and you so deserve it! We are Looking forward to seeing more beautiful works of art on your blog!!! will check back after Thanksgivng have a good one !

    Edison, NJ


Thanks for leaving me some ♥! I really appreciate it! hugs... Melissa