Wednesday, January 27, 2010

My New Year's Good and Bad news! (1st post of 2010)

Hi Everyone! First off, I want to apologize for being "missing in action" for so long!! The move was more work than I could ever imagine! I so appreciate all the warm well wishes that we received! I am never moving again!! LOL And thank you very much for the Birthday Wishes I received last week! You are all very sweet to have even remembered my birthday! Thank you so much again! Well, this year has certainly started off with a bang! We moved into our dream home and then shortly before New Year's we received a LATE Christmas gift! Late being the keyword! Yup, I am pregnant with our 2nd child!! We are thrilled, excited and still in shock! It took me 2 1/2 years to get pregnant with Antonio, so this was kind of a surprise! I guess with worrying about the move, getting our new house livable, on top of not selling our other house (thankfully, we are renting it out), and throw in the Holidays, I guess I had no time to worry or think about getting pregnant! So that is my good news!

The bad news, is that I haven't had time to craft in almost 4 months! Can you say withdrawals??!! My hubby is going to help me get my new studio up and running sometime in the next week. So I should be back with some new creations very soon!! I can't wait!! And I also hope to get back on some of my DT's too! Boy, have I missed all of you!!

I also want to apologize for not having the giveaway that I had promised you all back in October! But I will have a HUGE giveaway to make up for it, really soon! I promise!!

So lastly, I will leave you with a pic of our newest family member! LOL My almost 4 year old son, Antonio, came with me to this doctor's appt. He heard the heart beating and was so excited! As he looked at the monitor with his brother/sister on it, he smiled and then turned to me and said "Is the baby coming out now?" LOL I wish! I have been feeling horrible! But it's all worth it, right Moms?! One thing before I leave you! Is it normal to feel guilty that I am bringing in another child every time I look at my son? I feel like I am taking the spotlight/love away from him! Your feelings/thoughts would be appreciated!
Until next time, have a wonderful day!!



Knerten said...

More kids, double pleasure AND double love ! No worries about that; besides it will do Antonio very good to have a brother or sister. Congrats and good luck during your pregnancy; hope all will go well with you :-)

Marjanne said...

congratulations for his is the best thing that can happen in a life!!

Tracy said...

Hi Melissa
woohooo congratulations on your pregnancy!!!!
I have 2 boys and yep totally normal how you are feeling but a mummys heart is so big that it will grow and hold more than enough love to go round i promise and Antonio will love helping when the baby comes along.
Look after yourself
to you, Bump,Antonio and Daddy to be.

Melissa Kaye said...

Congratulations Melissa!

About your question: your feelings are TOTALLY normal. Throughout my pregnancy with my twins (and even before we knew they were twins) I was SO worried about taking time away from my son. I cried for him and in general just felt bad that all my time wouldn't be for him anymore. THEN I found out we were having twins and my guilt tripled. Now my son is 4 and my girls are 2 and they are BEST friends. Our life is busy, but our family is COMPLETE. I couldn't say that before. My kids have SO much fun together, and they are just a ton of fun to be around.

I hope you start feeling better soon!

NikiRay said...

OMGosh congrats to you and your family :) I hope you get your craft mojo back soon :)

Denise ~ Paper Ponderings said...

That reminds me of the feelings I had when I was pregnant with my 2nd too...I even asked my mom, in tears..."I love dd so can I possibly love another one? Will I have enough love for both?" It makes me giggle now. I have 4 (my oldest is 22 now).

Jane, at Thepaperaffair said...

Wonderful news, so happy for you. As for loving another child, oh yes, your heart will grow.

AND I do feel that you are giving your son a very blessed gift, a sibling!!! I thank my lucky stars for my sisters everyday, they bring so much into my life (although probably didn't fee this way until I was older) so this is a BIG gift to him also!!

Colleen said...

How exciting and wonderful for you. I have missed you but this news is just awesome.

You shouldn't feel bad about having another one, more to love and you don't want to have any only child and spoil him, this way you can spoil two and give him a playmate.

So enjoy this wonderful gift you have been given.

sandra said...

First CONGRATS on your pregnancy!!!!
That is huge thing!
And I'm happy that you finally moved to your dream house!!!

I'm mother of two and difference is 6 years.And I was having same thoughts too.
When my son was born I was crying 2 months feeling bad for not having so much time playing with my little girl.

But I managed to include her in feeding,putting to sleep,bathing her baby brother and she take it pretty good.

Now she is 12 and her brother is 6 and they love each other like I couldn't ever imagine!
And that makes me happy mother.
And don't worry you will have enough love for both.
(but I'm not shore for the patient)lol.


Liberty :) said...


Mervi said...

Congrats and all the best wishes;-))m

Carolyn said...

I am so excited for you, Melissa!! Congratulations on everything...the dream house, and most especially the new baby!! What a tremendous blessing! You will be a wonderful Mommy of 2! It is always normal to be concerned about doing things right for your kids. I have 4 kids, and always worried about being able to have the time for each of them. I really worried about my middle two that were only 12-1/2 months apart in age. I knew it would be hard on both the newborn and the 1-year old as well as having a 7 year old at the time. It was a worry to think you are giving enough of your time to each of them, but somehow it all works out. They have each other as well as you and really enjoy having a playmate that is little like them instead of only having Mommy to play with them at home. He will love being involved and feeling like the Big brother that the baby can look up to....and trust me...that little one will want to be with him ALL the time and be just like him (as soon as it gets old enough to know). He will make the baby giggle probably more than anyone else will, and that is huge for your son's self-esteem as well as teaching him nurturing. You win all the way around! Plus, you get the bonus of having a little helper to grab you a diaper if you can't get up right then or a bottle or whatever. Lots and lots of positives! You will LOVE having 2 kids!! I can't wait to see pics of your new little sweetheart when it gets here. We are so lucky to be able to follow your journey with you. YAY!!

Hugs and Blessings to you! :)


HazelQ said...

Wow, that is very good news!! Congratulations Melissa!! May God bless you through your pregnancy :)

moi said...

Oh, such a sweet news! Congratulation!
My 2 pregnancies were the most beautifull time in my life. I don't mean that now is not OK ;) but I was so happy.
I can understand your worries (I've asked myself too), but to comfort you: you don't divide love, you multiplied it ;) There will be enough for everyone ;)

hugs, moi

Yana said...

Such a good news!

It is always like that - if you forgeting that you're planning a baby and try to switch the attention on something else, you end up with the surprise pragnancy!


Judy said...

Congratulations! Im so happy for you!

Sarah said...

Huge congratulations to you all!!! We have 2 boys and I worried like crazy about not having enough love to share but you will find you love your new baby like mad and don't love your older child any less at all. The one that maybe gets a bit less attention in our household is the cat! Take lots of care of yourself and I am so looking forward to seeing your new creations xxx

Anonymous said...

Hello Melissa:
Congratulations, We know you are just so excited about this. Wow New Home New Baby but it is all wonderful, We wish you all the Happiness you can ever have in your life, We are sure Antonio will just love being the BIG BROTHER !
~ God Bless all of you always~
We wish you a very happy healthy New Daughter or Son.One thing you did not say is when your bundle of joy will be coming...
again .
~ God Bless ~

*Michaela* said...

Congratulations!!! What a fantastic news. Don't worry, the way you feel is normal and as was said before the love will be multiplied not divided. I just had my baby (about 5 weeks ago) and it is a little crazy in our household right now but I know it's all worth it. My older one is a great helper and is just sooo excited to be a big sister. I am sure Antonio will be a proud big brother.
Once again, congratulations ... take it easy and take care of yourself.

2amscrapper said...

Congrats. The sibling bond is a wonderful thing!

Annette Bowes said...

Hi Melissa, fantastic news Congratulations to you and your family, it will be wonderful for Antonia to have a sibling, he looks so happy it will be exciting. Take CareX:)

Rufus said...

So happy for you! You'll have more than enough love for both your kids and hubby,too! Dream house, pregnant, about to get the craft room set up. Sounds like life is GOOD! Enjoy

Cassie_lu said...

congrats and you will be amazed at how must your love will grow.

Donnas Den said...

Congratulations, Melissa.

I think you'll find Antonio's so pleased at the thought of haveing a brother or sister that there's no reason for any guilty feelings.

I have a similar age gap between my first two children and my oldest just loved his younger brother from the start. He does sometimes say 'do you remember when we were rich', lol

Good luck,

Donna xxx

Christina said...

Congrats to you and your family on the new addition coming soon :)
I was fairly new to your blog last year, and have missed you :) WElcome Back!!!!
Christina B.

rush8888 said...

you will not lose love for your son; your love will grow to include another. it happened before - when you accepted your husband, and again when you accepted your first born. love grows.

lisa808 said...

Happy Belated Birthday and congratulations on the news! Your son looks so happy and will be thrilled when his brother/sister arrives.

Kim. said...

Congratulations, your little one looks so happy to be having a baby brother or sister. As for your feelings yes these are perfectly natural, you will find a way to show each child the same amount of love and spotlight it is just a case of juggling I should know I have 4 lol. Hope the unwell feelings go away soon and if it sickness you are feeling try eating some ginger biscuits these worked wonders for me after having been sick for the whole 9 months with my first.
Kim xXx

Sheila H said...

Melissa, don't worry, you will have plenty of love for your second child. I have 2 sons, 15 months apart. Your love is not divided; your love is multiplied!!!

Cheri W said...

Melissa, welcome back to blogland & the creative world. You have been greatly missed. Saw your card in Cardmaker. Woohoo. Also, I remember thinking, when I found out I was pregnant with my second child, how could I possibly love another baby like my first. And from the instant she was born, I realized God gave mom's hearts filled with endless love for all their children. Hang in there and feel no guilt. Antonio will be thrilled to share his childhood experiences with a sibling! He sounds like the perfect big brother.

Audrey said...

Hi Melissa,
Great news and congrats on the coming of a new baby. Trust me you are not taking anythig away from Antonia, just make sure you include him in everything and you will certaintly have enough love to go around. You have started out right by taking him to see the new baby and just keep that up. I am so happy for you, it always happens when you least expect it!!
God Bless!!

Anonymous said...

Congrats Melissa!!!! Hip hip are right on track with your emotions!!!!! We have ALL felt exactly the with #3..etc....what I know is that you will wonder how you ever raised the first one without an amazing little have enough love for more kids....we are so we could run out of love for our Enjoy the peace of sleeping through the night ( except for a 100 potty calls) and be ready to fill your new home with MORE LOVE!!!!!


kathy s said...

Congrats and we missed you-what you are feeling is totally normal- this new addition to your family will bring more love and teach so much more Antonio will also learn lots of important issues like sharing and helping- get him to assist in things in preparation toward this delightful event and participate in caring for the baby in small ways once it comes- good luck and hope to see you back posting soon

Sharon said...

Congratulations Melissa!!! No, your feeling are normal. You have always have just one child to share your love with and now there will be 2. So of course you are anxious!! You just have to change you focus now and spread the love. It is a lot easier than you think.

paula a said...

Congratulations and welcome back! Antonio will be a great big brother. The anxiety is part hormones, part reality check. I'm married to an only child, have a brother, and have two children. It's great to see my kids playing and they are 5 years apart as well. He will be a little jealous, a big helper, and a great teacher for his sibling and they'll likely be great friends when they are grown. I wish DH had that. I made sure my son knew Mommy's (and everyone's) love didn't divide when he became a big bro--it multiplied with the love little sis gives--and it helps to have a special big boy time with Mom or Dad that the little one isn't ready for yet. It IS easier in a lot of ways to grow a family from 3 to 4 than it was from a couple to a family. Take care!

Allison Cope said...

Congrats Melissa! Some wonderful news for 2010!

Rebecca Ednie said...

It will be awesome for him to have a baby brother or sister. My boys are far apart too, 6 years, and they get along famously! It has made the older one less selfish as he now has to think of his brother. Congrats. This will be great for ALL the family. Best wishes for a safe, happy and healthy pregnancy!

Anonymous said...

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Rhonda Van Ginkel said...

CONGRATULATIONS to you and your family!! How very exciting!! We got pregnant similarly, only our sons are very close in age (16 mos. apart). Yes, it is oh so normal to feel strange about bringing another member into your family.

Have no fear Melissa! Our second little miracle has become inseparable from his big brother and it is amazing to watch them together. You will go through many emotions, but that's so normal with the upcoming changes to your lives. Embrace every single moment!!

God Bless you and your family!!

Kristine said...

Ah, sweet Melissa! You're back!! I missed you so much. CONGRATULATIONS on your pregnancy and your new dream home--that's so awesome!! I think it must be normal to feel that way as lots of US have felt the same. Only my darling daughter was only 12 months old when we found out I was preggo with my 2nd one. Then she was born early so they are only 19 mo.s apart--eeks! I often wonder what it'd be like if I had more time to enjoy my little Carly alone--but now I wouldn't change it for the world. They are the best of friends and had each other to play with growing up!

Many congrats and best wishes to you and I look forward to seeing all your new Schtuffs soon! *Ü*

kanishk said...

congratulations for his is the best thing that can happen in a life!!

Work from home India

Boni Boutelle-Jones said...

Oh Melissa what a blessing all the way around, new move, renters, a new craft space, a man who is going to make it happen for you and a new baby!!! WOWZA Girl!! you have been busy!

Love the Antonio and his sign!!! My oldest went with me to hear the heartbeat of his baby brother and he asked out loud who gave me all the scars on my belly and the nurse told him he did.....he was horrified and said he would never do that to his mommy! LOL he was so upset I had to take him out for ice cream to distract him! LOL

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the New baby and New House.. wow lucky you !!!
your work is beautiful.. but I have a question would you please post what the delightful color is behind you little boy. it is just lovley for being in the brown family. love it love it.
thank you
I will be back to see what it is called again thank you

Priscilla said...

Wow...what awesome news..Congratulations Melissa :)
Priscilla aka priscillastyles

Pattyjo said...

Congratulations! I just found out my daughter is expecting, but she won't be due until September. What month are you due.

Karen Wilson said...

Oh, what awesome news Melissa!! Antonio looks THRILLEd to pieces! What an exciting time, enjoy it and thanks for sharing it with us!!

Jessica Theodore said...

Wow Congrats on your exciting news! If you feel sick in the mornings I've been chewing on some almonds before I get up... sorta works. I'm not a dry biccie kinda girl lol. I'm pregnant with our third and have started worrying about middle child syndrome... John tells me not to worry lol but my pregnant brain doesnt understand dont worry! We're due in August :) around the 18th. exciting times! good luck with everything!!!! xx