Sunday, January 1, 2012

♥ My Annual End of the Year/ Christmas Giveaway!!! ♥

♥♥♥ Now CLOSED! Winner to be announced soon!! ;) ♥♥♥

Well, it's that time of the year again! Time to make someone's Christmas extra special!! (i love doing that!) And start the new year off right!!  Let's just get to it....

What do I have to giveaway this time? Well, how about this!!

~ A $150.00 Gift Card to Michael's Craft Stores

I could of just stopped right there, but did I?? Of course not!!

How about this too??!

~ 1 Copic Air-Brushing Starter Set System

~ 1 Copic Color Swatch Book
and finally....

~ 36 Copic CIAO Marker Set!

To qualify for the giveaway you must do the following. (I will check after picks my winner)

1. Leave a comment here on this post
2. Spread the word about my giveaway. Leave a link to my giveaway on your blog. No blog, let me know how you will spread the word!

For a second chance...
3. Either become a friend (follower) of my blog or subscribe to it (already do, then your halfway there!)
4. Keep your fingers crossed!! ;)

This is open worldwide and will stay open until January 1st, 2012! I will announce my winner a day or two after that!! Good luck everyone and Have a wonderful Holiday and may this coming year bring you all lots of happiness, great health and peace and love!

Hugs to you all...
♥♥♥ Now CLOSED! Winner to be announced soon! ;) ♥♥♥


1 – 200 of 765   Newer›   Newest»
Anonymous said...


Paper Sewn Visions said...

Wow!!!!!! That is such a generous giveaway for anyone to win. Thank you for the chance to win it. Have a Merry Christmas!!!

Liliya said...

Oh my!!! So much sweetness....
I'm already a follower. :)
Posted on my sidebar as well.
Thank you!!! That is a great way to celebrate!

Liliya said...

Oh my!!! So much sweetness....
I'm already a follower. :)
Posted on my sidebar as well.
Thank you!!! That is a great way to celebrate!

Jingle said...! Thanks for this incredible giveaway! I posted a link on today's post!

Jingle said...

I follow your blog already because your work is fabulous!

paula said...

Yay! My blog is not worthy of a post (no one really follows it and I rarely post), so I'll post a link on my FB page!

paula said...

AND, I follow you via Google Reader, so I don't miss anything!

Unknown said...

WOW!!! This is an amazing gift to make someone's Christmas special.
Thanks for a chance!

Placed the info on the side panel.

Riti said...

WOW Melissa,
What a Fantastic Giveaway..
Super Generous of u.
Well I'm already a Follower here. And i don't have much followers there, so I'LL BE POSTING ABOUT IT ON MY FACEBOOK PAGE.

Thanks for the huge chance,

scrappin2babygirls said...

oh my goodness thank you so much for the chance to win this great candy!! i have posted about your giveaway on my blog here:

and im already a follower! thanks again

Riti said...

i've posted about the giveaway on the sidebar of my blog.

and also on my Facebook page

Thanks again for the chance..

Annette Allen said...

WOW now this is an awesome giveaway... I am already a proud faithful follower... Thanks for the fun giveaway...

jjocarlson said...

Wow what a wonderful gift, very generous. I do not have a blog to post your giveaway on,I will post it on my facebook.

Thank you for the chance.
Joyce Carlson

iruha said...

wow! this is a very generous gifts!
I'm a follower.
Thank you for the chance to win!


O my goodness!!! this is an amazing giveaway!! I just wrote up a blog post about it, here is the link to it


Regena said...

WOW!! ur one amazing and generous person...thanks so much for the sweet of u


i am already a follower of your blog and my fingers are crossed!!

Tina said...

all i can say is how generous and giving are you...thanks for the chance to win such an amazing giveaway....i would put it all to good posted to my blog and i have been a happy follower for a long time now...thanks again and my fingers are crossed


daisydilly (vicki) said...

Such an amazing giveaway!!! I will post to my blog to help spread the word!! Thanks for such amazing inspirations and a wonder blog

daisydilly (vicki) said...

I am allready a follower.

Joan V said...

Wow, what a generous Christmas giveaway. I am already a follower.

*Alison* said...

Oh my heavens.. what an amazing giveaway.. Thanks so much for the chance to win.. I have placed it on my blog, and I am already a follower.. :) have been for a while! :) Merry Christmas to you too..HUGS

*Alison* said...

Oh my heavens.. what an amazing giveaway.. Thanks so much for the chance to win.. I have placed it on my blog, and I am already a follower.. :) have been for a while! :) Merry Christmas to you too..HUGS

Knerten said...

I mean - WOW, Melissa ! This is huge :-)
I have been a follower for quite some good time, and I have put a pic of your banner (actually, didn't know which pic to choose..) in my sidebar, and I do come by quite often to admire your fabulous creations, so THANKS for offering this huge giveaway.
Wishing you the nicest advent ever :-)
Turid aka Knerten

Knerten said...

A second post for a second chance ?
(sidebar + follower)

Penni said...

Wow what amazing Candy.
Thanks for the chance to win this. I have put a link in my sidebar and already follow your blog.


Joan V said...

Posted on my blog. Here is what I wrote.

Melissa, over at Creating from the Heart has her End of Year/ Christmas giveaway going on right now. So hop on over to her blog, HERE, and see what she is offering. I am not going to tell you, because I want you to go visit her blog. Talk about INSPIRATION, Melissa, can inspire anyone with a variety of styles. So, what are you waiting for???? go check her blog out. Have a great day.

I hope this gets their attention and you get more followers. But, whew, you already have a whopping 3461. Have a great day.

Lee said...

Thank you for such a lovely giveaway. I am blogless but eamiled a few friends and my daughter! thanks again!

Lee said...

I follow your blog with google reader.gfc. thanks!

Lillian Child said...

What a generous holiday giveaway event. Thanks so much for the chance at some really great Copic products. I am already a follower of your delightful blog. I have also posted your event on my the left side bar of my blog here:

Thanks again and happy holidays to you and yours.

lillianchild at cox dot net

Crafty Loops said...

Holy Moly Melissa. What an INCREDIBLE giveaway!! Ohhhh Im so excited, Im sure the winner will be dancing around the room when they win, I know I would be. Wow, you are so, so generous. Though you may have to do the shopping for me Melissa if I won as sadly Michaels dont deliver here. Thank you so, so much Melissa, I cant wait to see who wins. You know Im a follower already my friend and Ive put the giveaway details in my sidebar. Good luck everyone. This prize is AMAZING!! Lee x

Karen said...

Wow! You are so generous to give away all this stuff. I'm already a follower. I don't have a blog but I do belong to my local scrapbook club and I will tell them all about your blog and giveaway.
Have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Kwillis_15 at yahoo dot com

Myrto said...

Wow! This is THE giveaway! I am a follower for a long time, I will post in my sidebar and I will definately cross my fingers.
Thanks Melissa

Loz said...

OMGosh! I'm not sure I can use the Michaels Giftcard... think I will just have to fly over so that I can :)
Look at those Copics.. could they be my new year adventure? Thanks so much for the chance to win Melissa! this is an amazing giveaway xx
(already a follower!)

yorkie mom said...

Wow! That is quite a giveaway! A lucky lady to win that! Thanks for the chance!

Anonymous said...

oh my gosh! This prize is bigger than my craft room budget for 3 years!!! wowzers!!! Im off to link on my blog!!

Anonymous said...

alright!! Ive added your blog header to my sidebar with a link back and am now following! Thank you sooo much for this chance to win

Kirsty said...

Hi Wow this is the most generous Candy in the whole world !!! Do love your blog ! Hope you have a Wonderful Christmas & The Best New Year Ever !! Crafty Hugs Kitty ;0)

Margie said...

Um WOW! Girl you know how to do a giveaway!!I have followed you for a couple of years now-always love seeing your creations!Thanks for a chance to win! I will put a link on my blog.

Donalda said...

This is just awesome candy dear. Wowzer !!!! Thanks for all your inspiration you always give dear. Hugs

pattyk said...

WOW what a great giveaway!!Wonderful!! Thanks

Jamie said...

What an amazing giveaway! Someone is definately going to have a very Merry Christmas:)!!

pattyk said...

Hi I'm a follower!!!

pattyk said...

Posted on FB. thanks --fingers crossed!!!

Melissa said...

Wow, such nice giveaways, I really appreciate it! I have been a follower for a while!

Thanks for the chance to win!

Lisa said...

Oh My Goodness Melissa - I think you are going to be giving Santa a run for his money this year! What an amazingly generous giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win! I am a follower and i have posted it on my blog!!!

Lisa G

Melissa said...

I am spreading the word on my blog side bar and on FB!!! Thanks for the chance to win!

Rhonda Miller said...

What a great candy. Thank you for a chance to win. I have done a blog post about this and added it to my sidebar.

Rhonda Miller said...

I am a follower.

Unknown said...

Melissa, you are so generous! Thanks for the chance to win! xx

Unknown said...

I'm already a follower :)

Unknown said...

I posted your giveaway to my blog too! xx

Gracey said...

Fabulous giveaway! I tweeted @HHandmaiden :)


Gracey said...

I follow your blog and my fingers are so crossed! :D


Sally said...

Wow! You are so generous. Thank you so much for the chance to win such lovely prize. I would be happy just to win the copic air starter set...have wanted one of those for sooooo long. Maybe if I am good Santa will bring me one this year...Ooops...he already told me not this year. LOL...' Am off to post about your lovely give away in my side bar!

Jennifer Scull said...

man oh man, this is a fabby blog candy you are offering! my goal for 2012 is to use my copics more (or at all!!!)and to add to my collection. I vow to not be terrified of them anymore! grins!

I'm already a follower and now off to add this to my sidebar. :)
happy holiday to you and yours!

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness, I would flippin pass out if I were to win any of this :O) You are so sweet to do this! I am a follower already, going right now and put your candy in my sidebar, and I'm sure going to cross my fingers..tee hee!! Thanks for the chance to win. I have candy if your interested, but it isn't as nice as this! Hugs! Leah Ann

scrapperbecka said...

Wow Melissa
Awesome giveaway! I am already a follower

scrapperbecka said...

I posted your giveaway in my sidebar

Tracy said...

WOW! What an amazing candy Melissa! I've posted your giveaway in my sidebar and I've been a follower for a long long time. Thanks for the chance to win this very generous giveaway. Hugs!

Unknown said...

OMG - now this is a giveaway and I have posted about it on my blog
Thanks for the opportunity

Unknown said...

I am now a follower

Treasure said...

WOW!!!! What a great Christmas present
Thank you for the chance
Posted on my sidebar as well.
And I'm your follower ;)
Thank you!!!

ShersL84bed said...

Melissa this is so exciting. Thank you for the chance to win. I can't believe how awesome this giveaway is.

I posted on my blog at

Smiles Sher

ShersL84bed said...

Posting to say I'm a follower thats keeping my fingers crossed. once again, thanks so much for this awesome giveaway.

Smiles Sher

Cathy said...

Wow Melissa the is so generous, I am crossing my fingers for sure!!!!
I am a follower:)

Cathy said...

I did a posting on my blog and it links to here, hope I did it right!!!

Nancy said...

Wow, great stuff! I have my fingers crossed. ;)

Treasure said...

My second chance ;)
Thank you

Lisa said...

WOW - What an amazing giveaway!! Thank you so much for a chance to win!! I posted this on my blog!! :)


Nancy said...

I shared about your giveaway on Facebook. I already follow your blog.

Lisa said...

I am already a happy follower :)


Hussena said...

Thanks for the Chance to win these lovely goodies...
I have posted it in my Sidebar
Her's here The Link:

Hussena said...

I am a New Follower......Thanks for the chance to win Them!!!


Unknown said...

I just became a follower of your amazing blog! Thank you for a chance to win:)

Anonymous said...

What a great giveaway!

Anonymous said...

I shared the giveaway on FB.

Anonymous said...

I just subscribed via email.

Unknown said...

I posted a quickie on my blog & linked to your awesome blog :) Thanks again!

jim_candice at yahoo dot ca

Anonymous said...

What a WONDERFUL give-a-way!!! TFS it with us :-) Off to go post about it on my blog :-)

-Sam :-)
SamanthaJDesigns @

Anonymous said...

I'm already a follower and definitely crossing my fingers :-)

-Sam :-)
SamanthaJDesigns @

waiseone said...

WOW - that is amazing. Thanks for the chance to win. I follow you through my google reader account. I will also sign up for you email updates. Thanks! Happy Holidays.

Bunnyfreak said...

What a great giveaway. I posted on my blog about it.

Buttercup said...

Melissa, this would be an incredible start to 2012! I am a follower and I will be linking to this on my blog tomorrow. Thanks.

Marie said...

What an amazing gift! I am already a follower and am going to post this on my blog. Thanks for the chance!

Marie said...

What an amazing gift! I am already a follower and am going to post this on my blog. Thanks for the chance!

Pam said...

Great giveaway emailed your link to all my friends

Cherie said...

This giveaway is a DREAM!! You are too kind! I made a blog post about the giveaway! You can find it here:
Thanks for the chance to win!

Cherie said...

I am also a follower already, and keeping my fingers crossed!!

cherie.goyer at

Holly Iossa (Homeschool Homestead) said...

Wow! More than happy to become a follower. I put it on my facebook!/dhiossa. I will add to my next post at with a label for you to find. I am new to copics and blogging my crafts.

Christina said...

WoW! Christmas in January! Would love to win, thanks for the chance.
shewhodreamz at gmail dot com

Michelle said...

I am a new follower!


rynmich92 at gmail dot com

Michelle said...

Posted it on my blog!! :)

Thanks so much for the generosity!


Mommy's Crafty Creations said...

Wow great Giveaway!! I have posted your giveaway on right side bar.

mommyscraftycreations at gmail dot com

Mommy's Crafty Creations said...

Im already a follower...Thanks for the chance to win.

mommyscraftycreations at gmail dot com

terriavidreader (IN-USA) said...

What an amazing giveaway - thanks for the chance to win it. I am a follower and I'll put this on my sidebar!

Michelle said...

Heres the link to my post

Thanks again!


Happyscrapin said...

What a great give away! I am a follower.

plese.cathy at yahoo dot com

Happyscrapin said...

Posted on my blog with a link back to yours.

plese.cathy at yahoo dot com

Kimberly said...

OMG!!!! WOW that is one incredible rock. Thank you so much for giving me the chance to win...i'm gonna cross fingers, toes and even my eyes in hopes to win...thanks again..i'm a follower

Kimberly said...

I've posted your candy on my blog with a link to your blog...many thanks.

Jessrose21 said...

What a wonderfully generous giveaway! I've been a follower of your blog for a while and so enjoy your creations. Thanks for the chance to win!

Rufus said...

Wow, talk about a Christmas present! How extremely generous of you. I'd love to win this...I've never played with Copics and this would be a great way to get started. I'm blogless, so i can't post it on my sidebar. However I do belong to some cardmaking groups, so I'll be telling all of them about your marvelous candy! I also a follower. I do enjoy your work, even if I don't always comment.
Thanks for the dream,

*Michaela* said...

Oh, my goodness!!! Melissa!!! You are a one fantastic lady!!! Seriously :)

Fingers crossed!

*Michaela* said...

Already a follower ... such a fine crafter you are, Melissa!!! And with a big generous heart!
Thank you so much!

HeARTworks said...

I already am a follower! Wish I win! Copics are NOT available here in the Philippines! :^( patsy

Sandy S said...

Wow great blog candy! thanks for the chance to win! Here's my link to my blog
right at the top! whoooo!
I'm following & spreading the word! :)

Alina said...

I found Your blog on one of my polish friend's blog and I must say I am very glad I did !
And it is not for Your wonderful giveaway (it is awesome ), but I like Your blog and i will stay to see some more interesting things You have to offer.
Best to You

Carol Ric said...

Great giveaway! I have been a follower for sometime now. Keep up the good work your projects are great!

Carol Ric said...

I have added the blog candy to the side bar of my blog.

Ann said...

OMG this is so amazing!!! Thank you so much for a chance to win this amazing prize. I am a new follower and I have wrote about it on my blog at thank you so much

Amy E said...

Holy WOW! What an incredible giveaway! Your generosity astounds me!

I posted your link and pics on my blog candy page. Thank you for an awesome chance.

amyis300 AT hotmail DOT com

Amy E said...

Oh, and I'm a follower...I have been for a while now :)

amyis300 AT hotmail DOT com

kathy s said...

thanks for the chance for some yummy candy your generosity is amazing

Unknown said...

WOW!!! I have no words... This is such an amazing candy!
Thank you for the chance to win.
I've posted on my blog side bar:

Unknown said...

and for the 2nd chance - I'm already a follower for some time now and my fingers are crossed (from now until January 1st...)

Doris P. said...

OMG!!! I can only pray that this will be a Christmas present! tfs such generosity!!! doris

Doris P. said...

already a follower and I love getting your e-mails!!! again.. tfs such awesome generosity!! :) doris

ShabbyESP said...

What an incredible giveaway!!!
Please enter me

Thanks so much

Suzann ~xoxo~

ShabbyESP said...

I am already a follower

Thank you
Suzann ~xoxo

Doris P. said...

OMG again -what an awesome Christmas present one will receive - I posted about it on my blog - go on over and check it out!! doris

Lisa's Creative Niche said...

Wow, this is more than generous!!! And some very lucky people are going to have one happy crafting Christmas suprise that's for sure! So happy to already be one of your followers!!! Thanks so much!
lisascreativeniche at

JaniceA said...

What a generous give away. I am a new follower and I have put your information on my blog. Hope you have a very Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year.

Svetlana said...

This is such generous give away. I am already your follower and I put picture of giveaway to my blog

Svetlana xx

Diane (djuseless) said...

Wow, what an amazing giveaway! I am following your blog now too!

djuseless at charter dot net

Tanya said...

Wow, you are always so very generous with your candy Melissa! Thank you for the chance. I added to my sidebar. :)

Tanya said...

And I already am a follower :)

Lorraine A said...

Oh my goodness Melissa !! what an AWESOME candy !! I will be visiting the US in January so the voucher would come in VERY handy !! :-) Love the other goodies too ,, you are so very generous !!
Thanks for the chance to win, I am a follower and will keep EVERYTHING crossed ,, even me eyes !! :-)

Lols x x x

Dawn, RI said...

wow nice giveaway. Im a follower a and a subscriber, I will put a post on FB about your giveaway and my fingers are crossed
Dawn RI

Lisa's Creative Niche said...

I also posted about this amazing giveaway on my blog too! Fingers still crossed, and toes, and eyes ( ok not eyes because I tell my son his eyes will stay that way if he keeps doing that, hehehe! )... THanks again...

Karen Hasheck said...

Wow- what a great giveaway! Thanks for the chance and Happy Holidays!
Am already a follower and subscriber and look forward to your ideas in my email box.

bbourassa said...

Well I can't say it any better than everyone else... fantastic, wonderful, very generous, amazing... and I could go on and on. Your giveaway is mind boggling! Thanks for the chance to win.

eeb said...

Great giveaway this will make a nice gift.

bbourassa said...

I'm already a follower of your blog and look forward to it.

eeb said...

i will email out the link.

bbourassa said...

I don't have a blog of my own but I will certainly email all my crafting friends and tell them about yours!

jperr said...

Love your blog,and look forward to your updates to my email.Thanks for the chance to win the giveaway.I don't have a blog so I will tell all my friends about your blog and giveaway.

Grace Baxter said...

Wow, what a fabulous give-away. I'll be happy to place a link to it on my blog. Thanks for the op!

Claudia said...

WOW, now that is one AMAZING give-away, thank u so much for the chance, i did post it on my sidebar :) thanks again and I hope u have a very Merry Christmas... :)
Cheers -- Claudia W.

patsking said...

Oh wow. This would be better than jewlry. I will share with my friends. Forwarding.

windycindy said...

"Happy Holidays!"
What a fabulous and fun giveaway
prize package...My stamping friends and I would have a great time with
these fabulous prizes!
Many thanks, Cindi

windycindy said...

"Facebook Post!"
Again, many thanks to you!

windycindy said...

I am an email subscriber to your blog and I follow you publicly via
Google Friend Connect. (windycindy)
Merci, Cindi

Michele said...

This would be a wonderful prize package to start off the New Year. Thanks for the opportunity. I'm forwarding the email. Michele

THERESA said...

Wow, oh WOW, had to get a towel for the drool, lol, super stunning candy, cannot take my eyes of the Copic's, to be honest of it
Been following you already, my computer crashed, so time is so limited to comment!! Have put this in my sidebar, also signed-up for e-mail notifications and done a posting, you can see it here.....
Thanks for being so generous and making somebody extremely happy!!
Have Blessed Christmas with family and friends!
lotsa luv

Ardilla said...

Please, pick me, pick me!!!! (LOL)

I'm a follower, I posted about it:
I also posted a pic on my sidebar.
I crossed my fingers and also my toes!!!!

Thanks for this wonderful chance :)

Scrappy Beads said...

Melissa... I just had to share this on my Facebook Page... *Ü*!!/pages/Scrappy-Beads/113313272067650

Thank you for your very generous heart... *Ü*!!

I'm keeping my fingers, toes, eyes, legs, arms, hair (braids), and anything else I can think of crossed... *Ü*! What a beautiful gift this would be... a dream come true... *Ü*!!


**Lots of BIG Hugs**


Gina Brandstetter said...

WOW! What a fabulous prize! I'm now following and I've added a link to your blog over at my blog: - My Little Corner of StampinHeaven

Merry Christmas!

Scrappy Beads said...

I'm following you and tell all my friends to do the same... there's SO much inspiration here... *Ü*!!

**Lots of BIG Hugs**


Scrappy Beads said...

Melissa... I had to share your AMAZING giveaway on my Blog too... *Ü*!!

It's just too good to keep to myself... *Ü*!!

Thank you for this blessed opportunity!!

**Lots of BIG Hugs**


Carol's Crafts said...

What a fabulous giveaway. I would love it win. I already subscribe to your blog. I don't have a blog, but I do belong to some groups, and I will spread the word there.
Thank you so much!

Lizzie Laine said...

OMG Melissa!
Awwwesome prizes!!
Thanks so much for the chance to win:)
I posted on my blog

Lizzie Laine said...

I am already a follower:)

Susan said...

You are the most generous person I have ever known! I am definitely a follower and I have posted a link to your blog on my blog. Thank you for the chance to win such a fabulous prize package, it would definitely make my Christmas great!


Naomi said...

Oh my....what a SUPER GENEROUS giveaway! This is really AMAZING..who doesn't want this?! I just became you newest follower and I will also be putting this on my blog sidebar with a link! Thanks so much for the chance to win this AWESOME prize...can't wait to see your future projects in my google reader! =)


Wanda said...

Wonderful giveaway!!! Your generosity is Superb!!!Thanks for the opportunity to enter. I'm a loyal follower of your blog!!!
best regards,

JaniceA said...

I am a follower! Great give away!

JaniceA said...

I put it on my blog!

Sharon in Arizona said...

Hi there Melissa - WOW what a fantastic giveaway!!!!!! So VERY generous of you and sooooo exciting!! I do not have a blog but will post this on my Facebook page ( spread via word-of-mouth. I have lots of crafting friends, so we'll get the word out. Have a great day and Merry Christmas! Hugs, Sharon :o) PS: I've been subscribed for quite a while and have been inspired by your beautiful creations.

Lorraine said...

oh wow this is amazing huni i am already a follower and have spread the word by popping your candy in my sidebar thanks huni xx

Scrappy Beads said...

Melissa... last but certainly not least... I wanted to share your AMAZING giveaway on my Twitter Page too... *Ü*!!!/scrappybeads

Hip... Hip... Hooray... here's to an AWESOME giveaway... *Ü*!!

**Lots of BIG Hugs**


Becky Dunham said...

Wowie! This is over the top delicious candy Melissa! Thanks for the chance to win this sweet treat :)

rebeccadunham at hotmail dot com

Becky Dunham said...

I am a new follower! So excited to be here. Thanks for another chance to win your sweet giveaway!

rebeccadunham at hotmail dot com

Becky Dunham said...

Hey Melissa - I posted about your giveaway on my blog!

Thanks for the extra chance to win this yummy candy! Hugs!

rebeccadunham at hotmail dot com

Darlene G said...

Ohhhh myyyy gossssh. You sure are generous. I don't have a blog but will tell all my knitting group friends about this opportunity. Thank you again and MERRY BLESSED CHRISTMAS!!

Michele T said...

Holy Toledo!! This is a marvelous giveaway!!! I am a follower - thanks!

Michele T said...

I shared your giveaway via twitter @mimistarquilter

Josie0602 said...

I am already a follower. I will be posting about your giveaway on my blog.
jtg0398 at sbcglobal dot net

Darla said...

Fabulous giveaway!!! That is very generous of you Melissa.

I posted on my blog here --->

And became a follower and look forward to seeing more on your blog... Glad I found you through someone posting about this giveaway... Great inspiration here!!

Melissa said...

What an amazing giveaway! Thanks for the chance!

Melissa said...

I'm following your blog!

paperpapier said...

Posted the picture and link on my blog. Thank you for such a fantastic New Year candy!
Heaney xx

paperpapier said...

I am your follower all your stunning creations.
Heaney xx

paperpapier said...

I am your follower all your stunning creations.
Heaney xx

Stacie (craft-princess) said...

WOW! FAB CANDY!! I have posted on my sidebar! Thanks for a chance to win!

Stacie (craft-princess) said...

I am also already a follower! :)

Unknown said...

I am a new follower Cathyplus5 sent me here. my blog is and I also plan on letting people know on facebook since my blog is very new and I dont have a lot of followers yet. Merry Christmas and happy new year and thank you for the chance to win your awesome giveaway.
thank you
Linda Drozd

Barbara said...

Hi Melissa, You are soooo generous. This is blog candy that one would just dream about. I am a new follower and fell in love with your blog. I can't wait to return to see your next posting. I am posting your blog candy on my sidebar and of course crossing my fingers (toes too). Merry Christmas

lindaplus3 said...

this is totally awesome,,,, i am keeping my fingers crossed,,tyvm for the chance to win this ... my mother passed in October and i am new to this i want to make a scrapbook ,,, i purchased a second hand cricut now i need to build my supplies...Merry Christmas...:) lindaplusthree at yahoo dot com.......

off to post on my blog

lindaplus3 said...

I have done all requirements and fingers are crossed ... Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!!!!!...:) lindaplusthree at yahoo dot com

Bumbles and Fairy-Tales said...

Wow, how very generous of you! This is truly amazing and would be a lovely gift for anyone during this holiday season :)
Here is my link:
Thanks for the chance!
hugs, margie

Bumbles and Fairy-Tales said...

I am also a follower! Your creations are amazing! Thanks :)

Lana said...

Oh my gosh Melissa! What a give away someone will surely have a VERY special Christmas when they win this!! My fingers are crossed LOL!!!!!!! God bless you and have a Merry Christmas !!!! I am a follower!!

CathyinMN said...

Wow! What an awesome giveaway! How generous and sweet! Have a very Merry Christmas and a wonderful and Happy New Year! I don't have a blog, but I will email my crafting friends about your blog and this giveaway.
tcsobotka at charter dot net

CathyinMN said...

I'm also a follower -- and I'm keeping my fingers crossed (although it's really hard to type or do much of anything with my fingers crossed -- and for such a long time, too)! LOL!
tcsobotka at charter dot net

Creepy Glowbugg said...

My! What wonderful prizes you are offering for your giveaway!
I am a new follower and I posted on my blog as well. I really admire your crafting style too!
Thank you for the chance to win such a generous prize pack!

Jamie M. said...

WOW wow wow. What great give aways. I am already a follower and added a link to your post on my FB. jrredrose21 at yahoo dot com

West Side of Straight said...

What an awesome giveaway. I absolutely love shopping at Michaels. I am a follower and posted on my blog. Thank you for a great giveaway. jo

Neha Jain said...

wow....what a candy
goshh...will i win it?

well....i m spreading about this candy by posting link to this post on sidebar of my blog here
Steps Towards Crafting

Neha Jain said...

i am an old follower as told by blogger :D hehehe
just kidding...
wish i can win will really b best new yr. gift ever

Anonymous said...

Oh gosh would I have fun spending that Michael gift card!!! What a great giveaway! I am a happy follower of your!

Anonymous said...

I want to thank you so much for hosting this giveaway!! I have posted in the following places!!

My blog:

My Facebook Page:

Love your blog, I'm heading back over to catch up on some reading!!

Also I will be give a shout out on my Ustream show!!! Check out the link here:

Thanks again!!! I have my fingers crossed!! I have never worked with Copics!!

Heidi Mireles said...

What this giveaway is phenomenal. Thank you for sharing a chance to win.

Boni said...

this is a wish that all here have a lovely Christmas .Posted on my fb

Anita Braddock said...

Wow how cool is this. such a great Giveaway. I Love Love Micheals my family always say its my second home. lol
and I have never tryed Copic and would love to. so thanks for the chance to win this very cool giveaway.

Unknown said...

Such a nice one! Thanks for the chance to win.


Alina said...

Hey! Thanks for this wonderful chance to win some goodies! I posted on the sidebar about your giveaway:

Alina said...

oh... and I am also a follower! I'm kipping my fingers crossed ;)

Unknown said...

What an amazing giveaway!! I'd love some Copics!!!!

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