Friday, April 10, 2009

My BIG Giveaway!

***Now Closed! Winner Announced***

And, NO, this is not an April Fool's Joke!! I am giving away a brand new, never opened, CUTTLEBUG! Yes, you read it right, a Cuttlebug Die Cut Machine! And I just might throw in a Swiss Dots folder!! ;) And I also have a brand new Tim Holtz Bracket Grungebook up for grabs too! And before it is all over, I may just add some more to it! :) I just love to give things away!! It makes me happy to make you happy!

What do you have to do?? Easy!

1) Just leave me a comment here at this post;

2) Leave a link on your blog, linking my Giveaway (don't have a blog? that's ok, just tell me how you will spread the word!)


3) for an extra chance, you can become my friend (follower). If you already are my friend, you already have 2 chances once you leave a comment here!!

See, I told you it was easy! So, you have until next Friday, Good Friday, the 10th! And it will be a "Good" Friday for someone! I will announce a winner at 3 pm EST!! Good Luck!! ♥♥♥♥♥

****Now Closed! Winner has been Announced! Thank you for visiting!****



1 – 200 of 659   Newer›   Newest»
Tanya said...

Wow I would so much love a cuttlebug! I haven't had the money to purchase one have been using my sidekick for a lot of stuff but its not big enough for a lot of stuff.

my blog is not much creativity on that yet, mostly blogs.

Shawnsgirl315 said...

Wow, what a great giveaway. I shared your link on my blog:
And I am already a friend.

akagreenhouse said...

I enjoy your blog so much. I get great inspiration and ideas here. Thanks for sharing with us! I subscribe to your blog through google reader!

Moni said...

OMG, this cuttie I need! :) I do not have it, and really want to have it! I am your follower and linked you on my blog! Hugs, Moni

Becky T. said...

What an exciting giveaway!! Thanks for the chance to win!:-)

Anonymous said...

Wow I would love to have that I love doing scrap booking and altering as well. I am sure there are many many that would love to have this and you will get a lot of comments over this one I will ask my Mom to put it on her blog so everyone knows about it! this is great, by the way your work is beautiful, and Yes I follow you too.

robin said... I would LOVE that! :)

Bunny B said...

Happy April!!! I'm a follower and blogged:
Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Good Morning :
What a wonderful generous Give away.
your going to have people bloging about this all over the place yes I did post it on my link , for others to see and I wrote about it to sending them to your Blog. I know People that would love to have this.
again it is Grand.
here is my blog link for others to see all about it too.

God Bless you for being so very generous!

Hugs : )

Pam said... awesome!!! I am now a follower...I was already following you on google reader, but just learned how to do this "follower" thing so I signed up that way too...LOL. I don't have my own blog yet, but will send emails to all my "crafty" friends. Thanks for the chance to win your amazing candy. Have a great week!

diamonlove said...

Wow, it is an amazing giveaway. CAn't beliave my eyes. Thank you for the chance to win it!

Janet said...

wow how amazing!! :) I am already following your blog! I will go put a link on my blog!!

Darlene said...

Oh my gosh girl ... are you sure you're feeling okay??? What a GENEROuS give away ... I'm in awe!! Of course I follow your blog ... you always come up with the coolest projects!! Now I have to go "spread the word" ... thanks!

mitch1066 said...

I'd give this to my best crafting friend.I took my bug over to her once and she played with it for hours gigglng the whole time:)

mitch1066 said...

forgot to add i'm also a follower:)

Erum Tasneem said...

oh Melissa!!!!!! You KNOW it so well I want one!!! It's not available here. I recently got my embossing folders, which i painstakingly use with the help of a rolling pin but unfortunately i cant use the die cuts like that, so they r sitting idle. I am so glad u r offering exactly what i want... no no exactly what i need!!!

Colleen said...

Wow, that is so nice of you. I will have the information on my blog tonight and I am already one of your blog stalkers, I mean followers :)

CJJohnson said...

Wow!!! Total awesomeness. Link in my blog will be up momentarily.

I don't have an embosser, I need an incredible amount of luck.

Rachel Hope said...

WOWZA! That is some Majah Candy action!!!! I have added you to my Candy Bar!!

Jen said...

i have love your blog, and have been following it for a while now. I even have your blog linked on mine. :) great idea for blog candy!!

Anonymous said...

Sweet giveaway Melissa! I put a link on my blog at:
Thanks for always doing such great prizes! :)

val said...

this is the most fabulous blog candy I have seen yet! your fabulous for doing this!!! I am your friend already and I have you in my sidebar, I'm here every morning checking your new posts. I also made a post on my blog! thanks again!

Kirsten...x said...

Wow what a great giveaway...i am already a follower and am now off to link to my blog thanks for the chance to win hugs kirsten...x

Jenny V. said...

Wow what a great giveaway. Thanks for the chance to win. Enjoy your day.


Jenny V. said...

I'm already a follower!
Thanks again


Quilt Genius said...

That is such a great giveaway! I am spreading the word at the scrapbook store where I work.

Creative Creations said...

WOW!! What a great give away. there is going to be one happy person! :)

Fi said...

Wow- amazing giveaway!!! I would love to win this! Thanks so much for the chance!

I've added a link on my blog!


Fi said...

I am already a follower of your amazing blog! :-)


Harley Dee said...

Woo hoo, I'd love to win this! I made a post on my favorite scrapbook mssage board! :)

Harley Dee said...

And I follow you! I was already a subscriber, but I found out that subscribing and following aren't the same. So I follow now too :)

Ms. Cheryl said...

OH MY...NOW THATS WHAT I CALL A GIVEAWAY.I'm already a follower so that gives me two entries already. I have posted about your giveaway on my blog here:
YEAH... Thats three! My fingers are soooo crossed and I'm hoping to be your WINNER !! Thanks, ms.cheryl

terriavidreader (IN-USA) said...

WOW! Lovely candy. So Generous. I have a cuttlebug, but I'd share this with my friend if I won. I'll definitely list on my candy blog Here
I'm a follower too, and really glad I am

Natalie Z said...

WOW!! What a great give away, this cuttle I need! :) I do not have it, and really want to have it!
I've linked your candy on my sidebar under the section "Blog Candy".

Jingle said...

This is awesome! I spread the word by tweeting about your giveaway!

Natalie Z said...

I am already a follower.
Thanks once again!
Hugs Fifi.

Jingle said...

I am trying to sign up to follow but Google won't let me! I'll have to do that later!

Drew's Adventures said...

Totally a follower, commenter and posted on my blog!

Scrapishments said...

Sorry to hear about the coffee incident and your card! I once did something similar with a scrapbook layout that I made and some chocolate milk! lol!

I can't believe that you are offering a Cuttlebug machine! I have a pic and a link on my blog! Thanks for offering such a wonderful treat! wow!!! :)

Shannon from Canada! :)

Jennifer said...

Not even sure what it is but I'm sure I'd love to win it. You are very generous!!!

Anne said...

oh wow, what fabby candy!!!!
I'm already a follower Melissa but I'll go now and add a link to my candy bar
Anne x

Karen said...

How sweet are you Melissa! So generous and great giveaways!

2amscrapper said...

I've soooo been wanting a Cuttlebug! I can only hope to be a winner here. I'm an avid follower and I'll list your give-away under blog candy on my blog at

Ami said...

I would love to be the winner of this. I have arthritis in my wrist and this would allow me to cut things for my crafting.

CraftyRia said...

Wow! What a great prize to win! Thanks so much for this chance! I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

I posted about this on my blog:

and I became a follower!

Kim Marie said...

There is not a cooler tool for crafters on this planet! How genereous a gift! And swiss dots....I want one :)
Really this is too nice!

Kim Marie

Jan said...

Wow! What a great give a way! Thanks for the chance to win! I'm already signed up and I don't have a blog, but I'm emailing my stampin' friends right now. Love your blog!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the chance to win Melissa! Cuttlebugs make the best embossed backgrounds! I don't have a blog but will tell everyone I know who crafts about this site and the giveaway. I'm going to sign up now!

C Burke

Cheri said...

You're all linked up, and I'm already a follower! The link is on the right side in the CandyBar at my blog,

Great giveaway, thanks for a chance to win!

Theresa said...

hi there. you are way too nice to all of us. this is a great giveaway.. =) I will link you up on my blog and have been a friend..

thanks so much for all the inspiration..

Unknown said...

Please enter me in your giveaway. I am also following you! Thanks for the chance.

Barb said...

WOW! what a great gift to receive--I am a follower and will add your link to my blog. Thanks a bunch!!!

Sam said...

I think this is a great giveaway. Thanks for offering it. I am a follower of yours. I will also post a link to your candy on my site.

Barb said...

WOW! what a great gift to receive--I am a follower and will add your link to my blog. Thanks a bunch!!!

Anonymous said...

Please pick me!! I want a cuttle bug so bad but every time I have the money, some one in the family needs something worse.

BTW I love your blog.. I will gladly post a link ion my blog

gocanucksgo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
gocanucksgo said...

You're crazy! haha but in a totally awesome way =) Don't have a blog but i'm telling everyone about this one lol. I always love looking at your creations! Keep up the amazing work and thanks for doing this giveaway!!!

shinz @ cosycabin said...

woo hoo! what an amazing giveaway! I'm one of your follower now & linked your candy on my sidebar. Thanks for your generosity! :)

shinz xx

Meital said...

Pick me! Pick me! i want that green monster!

i am going to link this in my blog:

~*~ Stephanie ~*~ said...

WOW you are too awesome!! I don't have many tools, I just make do with what I have around the house... but if I had the extra cash to purchase a die cutter, this would be the one!

I am already a follower, and I just blogged about your awesome giveaway here at

Ana Isabel said...

Bonita iniciativa,me la llevo a mi blog...

Ana Isabel said...

Jaspere said...

This giveaway isn't big its HUGE! Thanks for the opportunity to win such an awesome prize. I've been following your blog for awhile now but made it 'official' today. Happy Crafting!

Olga said...

I can't believe I can win! Melissa, probably you are a fairy?
I've linked you to my sweet sidebar and I'm your follower.
I'm in shock :) I dream about the Cuttlebug!

Татьяна Шаргородская said...

Hello! I've linked your candy on my sidebar under the section "Blog Candy".
And I'm your Follower!
Thanks for a chance to win!


Pam said...

This sure would be a great gift to raffle off to raise money for Breast Cancer. We hold an day crop every January to raise money for breast cancer. There are always 125 ladies in attendance. 100% of our proceeds go directly to the Susan Koman Foundation. With the economy the way it is right now it has made it difficult to find companies as well as individuals who are able to give donations. I have to tell you this is the first time ever I have blogged. I usually just read but never make comments but with such a generous offer like this I could not resist. Who ever you decide to choose to receive this great product I would just like you to know that I think you are a very kind and generous person.

Jen said...

Hi Melissa,
I would love to win such a generous candy. I'm already one of your followers and will link this candy on my blog.
Jen x

Esme said...

Thank you for such a fantastic chance to win!!
I've added a link to you in my Blog Candy bar and have become a follower.

Esme x x

patfi said...

grazie per questo candy!!!come fare a non partecipare!!!bellissimo blog tanti auguri ciao betty
www.patfi-quattro e uno

Rachel B said...

Wow, what a steal for who ever gets chosen as the winner! How exciting. I have listed you on my sidebar and am one of your "friends/followers!" Thank you for this fabulous opportunity!
Rachel B

Diane Daniels said...

Wow,I would love to win the cuttlebug. I was going to ask for one for Mother's Day. I love your work! I don't have a blog but I have told and will keep telling my crafty friends about you. I usually send them the link when I find something that I know that they would like! said...

I'm going to send your link to everyone in my Mom's night out craft club!

Patty Williams said...

wow, what a generous giveaway! I don't have a blog but will be emailing lots of my scrappy friends to send them your way!

btw... I just love your blog background! become a follower!

CHING said...

Wow Great giveaway !!! I would love to win that yummy prize !!!
I linked you on the side bar of my blog...


Lilacanglia said...

Love your blog have become a follower,

Lilacanglia said...

Have left a link on my blog,
Would love the chance to win one of these, as with 3 boys its hard to afford something like this,

vikkithescrapjunkie said...

Hi Melissa, Fabby candy!! thankyou for the chance to win. I have put a link on my blog. Your blog is gorgeous and your work is beautiful. Love n hugs
Vikki xx

Aisha Powell said... fun. I love your blog. I'm off to join your followers.

Sarah Mullanix said...

Ooooh, I have been wanting one of these soooo much!!!! I bought the Cuttlekids for my daughter a few months ago and we both use it and love it so I've really been wanting the Cuttlebug for myself!!
They're FABULOUS!! I'm already a blog follower and I have your link posted on my blog!!


Marika said...

Great candy!
Must say your creations are so great too :)
Have added your candy on my blog :)


Liyana said...

I'm a follower (reminds me of mindless zombies lol) and I blogged about your contest here.


Anonymous said...

Wow!!! What a prize! I wwould love a cuttlebug. I do not have a blog, but will tell all my friends at work and at my stamp camps about your site! Eloise

Anonymous said...

Wow, Melissa! This is so incredibly generous of you! I'm going to post it on my blog right away. I've been wanting a Cuttlebug since they came out! Thanks for sharing your beautiful cards and projects with us!

fabitolana said...

Hola¡¡ soy de CHILE me gustaria participar del sorteo tienes un lindo blog me lleva la imagen al mio
un beso desde el sur del mundo

Evelyn Daihana said...

Thank you for the opportunity and for so beautiful prize. I aim myself to the raffle and I take myself your link so that all see your beautiful blog. Kisses from Paraguay!

Olena said...

Thank you for such a fantastic chance to win!!! I've linked your candy on my sidebar under the section "Blog Candy".

Olena said...

Pick me, pick me, pick me, mememememe! Thanks~

Stampin Mindy said...

WOW you are just amazing to have such a BIG prize! Thank you for the chance, I'm linking you to my blog and becoming a follower! Have a great day!

akkina van steen said...

Thanks for the chance of winning some awesome candy

Anonymous said...

just found your blog whilst surfing, and though i love to enter i have a feeling sending it to Australia would be a PIA, but ill spread the word anyway. am loving your blog!

furrypig said...

Wow I am sooo excited that I have a chance of winning a cuttlebug!!! Thank you so much for offering such fab blog candy. Sadly i don't have a blog but I am spreading the word and have been on a card making thread and let them know!! have a look!!

furrypig said...

Wow I am sooo excited that I have a chance of winning a cuttlebug!!! Thank you so much for offering such fab blog candy. Sadly i don't have a blog but I am spreading the word and have been on a card making thread and let them know!! have a look!!

Colleen { HappyLittleArt } said...

Wow! What yummy blog candy!! Thanks for the chance to win!! I've linked you to my blog:

Janet L. said...

Can't believe such wonderful candy!! I'm going to a card making class on Saturday morning and will tell them all! Love your art. Thanks for the chance to win.

Mandy From Canada said...

Wow! What a great giveaway I'm glad you left the note about not being an april fools joke because I probably would have thought it was. Love your blog and I share it every chance I get!

Char in So Cal said...

OMGosh!! YUMMY YUMMY YUMMY!! This is some awesome blog candy!!

I don't have my own blog so I plan to e-mail my stampin' friends and tell them to visit you for a chance to win!

Thanks for the op to win!

Char in So Cal
{scrampaddict} {at} {cox} {dot} {net}
darn spammers! LOL

Char in So Cal said...

Lucky me! I am a follower!!

Thanks again for the op to win!

Char in So Cal
{scrampaddict} {at} {cox} {dot} {net}
darn spammers! LOL

Lynnette Davis said...

I don't own any sort of scrapbooking machine yet (even though I've been an avid scrapper for 10 years now). So, this would be a real treat. I'm wishing myself "luck" and I'm off to follow your blog and add this great giveaway to mine. woo-hoo!

Girlsinthecraft said...

Okay, that's some amazing blog candy! I'm in!..........deanna

Mel said...

What a great giveaway-thanks for the chance to win!

Anonymous said...

Melissa, what a terrific gift5 to give away and needless to say I would love to win...I enjoy your blog but I do not have one. But I do belong to several message boards and I can let others know about your blog that way. Milliejs

Tumbleweed Trails said...

All I can think is "Oh, my gosh!" I could hardly believe it when I discovered that you had a Cuttlebug for your giveaway. I have always wanted one and never been able to get one. With your drawing I now have a chance. Thank you for your generosity and the opportunity to win one.


'cine said...

Wow what a deal. I have you on my blog, Musings of a Gypsy-Girl, and I am a follower. Thanks for all the chances.

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful gift to be giving away. Thanks so much for giving us a chance.


Tumbleweed Trails said...

I gave a shout out to everyone over on my blog to come pay a visit and enter your BIG EVENT!

I am a follower and email subscriber of yours.

Thanks again for holding the great giveaway.


Wendy said...

Oh wow I so want one of these, thanks for the awesome giveaway, I am now following you :)

<3 W

Ms. Cheryl said...

I drool just thinking about winning this. It is the best giveaway EVER! I am already a follower and I have posted your giveaway on my blog here:
I have my fingers

Val said...

I will happily leave a comment-A free cuttlebug-???Whats better tahn embossing paper???Thanks

lindagerig said...

Love your blog and would love to win the cuttlebug. No blog here but will try to send out some info on yours . Linda Gerig

Jacilynn said...

Hi there,
Great Blog and great candy. I totally need one of these! You wouldn't believe the lengths I go to to use my CB folders. Lol.
I'm a follower.
and I've linked you on my blog.

Jodi said...

Wow ~ what a generous giveaway! I don't have a cuttlebug, so I would be thrilled to win this plus it would be a great birthday present (just a few days early). Thanks for the chance to win :)

Jodi said...

I am already a follower, so I am adding this for my second chance :)

Jodi said...

Finally, I have linked your giveaway to my blog, so here is my third chance :)

Raquel said...

Wooooooooooooooow!! this is really amazing!!! :)
I have linked your giveaway to my blog :)
Have a nice weekend ;)

Susan said...

Wow what fab candy. My daughter would love a cuttlebug all to herself. Thanks for the chance to win this. I have added you to my sidebar:

Susan said...

I am happy to follow you. Here is my second chance

Tanja said...

I adore your candy.

I have pust a link to your blog on my blogs side bar.

I just become your follover.

Best regards from sLOVEnia, Tanja

Emily said...

Thanks for the comments on my blog Melissa! I thought I would come over and check out yours. I have to say by far the absolute cutest thing I saw was that darling little pumpin of yours! What a sweetie! You have some great scrapbook pages our here as well as your beautiful card creations. I don't mind if I do become a follower:)
My blogspot is
I'll post a link there to your great candy. Thanks for the chance to win it! Smiles...Emily

Unknown said...

WoW, this candy is a amazing!!!!
I've linked your candy on my sidebar

Кристина said...

Hello! thank you very much for such an unbelievable candy and for your inspiring creations!!! I will be the happeist girl on the planet if I get your present!!!
I still can not believe that I have such a chance!!! I pray God to get your present!!!!!

Кристина said...

And now I am a follower of your inpsiring blog!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow, what an AWESOME give-away!! I'd love to win!! Thank you for the chance!! I'm already your follower and linked you to my blog
Thanks again for the chance to win! You are way too kind!
Good luck to everyone!! :D

Anonymous said...

What a lovely giveway, I shall be spreading the word!!

Creativika said...

Hi! A cuttlebug is like a dream for me, a fantastic one. That's why I would like very much to win. Fingers crossed! :) You have a wonderful candy! I linked it on my sidebar. And I beacame your follower. Thank you for the opportunity to win! Best wishes, have a great weekend!


Kim. said...

Hi Melissa this is such a generous candy you are offering. I have linked back to you from my sidebar and become a follower of your blog.
Happy crafting and thanks for the chance to join in.
Kim xXx

Shelley said...

Hi Melissa! WOWZA!!!!! Am I ever glad I stumbled accross your blog! Thanks so much - what a great give away! I love your stuff too!
I have put a link on my blog!

*jean* said...

oo melissa, what a wonderful opportunity! thank you! please count me in!


Pattyjo said...

First of all I don't have a website. I do however, belong to your followers. I also belong to SCS (closes thing to a blog)I have ever had. LOL
I can tell others through word of mouth. Will that help?
Thanks for the chance though.

Ksenia said...

Wow! It's my dream! Thanks. My link is

Ksenia said...

Me second entry as I'm your follower.

Anonymous said...

What a generous giveaway! I put a link on my sidebar.
Thanks Melissa!


Lana Edwards said...

Wow is all I can say!! I just found your site and now am a follower! I do not have a blog but have sent your blog addy to my friends. I would love a cuttlebug thank you for the chance for one!

Kris Turner said...

Thanks so much for this opportunity - how kind! Will pass this info along!

evette said...

Oh wow would love to cuddle with this bug!!!!!! Hope I win...yee haw. Thanks for the try. ekc

Saskia said...

Wow.... this is soooo great!!! Thanks for making someone soooo happy...Yes... I hope it's me!!!

Your blog is at my candy-bar and I'll follow your lovely blog!!


Sandy said...

This is sooo cool. I want a Cuttlebug so bad but just can not justify it right now.

I am emailing all my scrappy friends a link to this. and am becoming your friend :)

Tracey Jean said...

That's a pretty cool giveaway. I'm off to post on my blog.

Jun Bug House said...

My friend Mitzi told me about your site on her site.
I don't have a site but will tell more friends to come check it out.
Awesome candy!!!!

Blogadicta said...

I am already following your blog! I will go put a link on my blog!!
hugs and kisses!!!

Laurie said...

Wow, Melissa - what a wonderful giveaway. I've been seeing all of your wonderful designs on two of the forum boards, and am just amazed at the designs you create.

I've added you to my blog follows and have added a post on my blog for your giveaway

Carl@ said...

I am already following your blog! I will go put a link on my blog!!
hugs and kisses!!!
Thank you!!

Anonymous said...

Yeah!! I love finding new blogs and seeing other peoples talent! I have put a link on my blog ...

and i have become a follower!! I'm new to all these gadgets and I reallllly want a cuttlebug!! Thanks so much!!!

LoloDesigns said...

What a fabulous blog, great reading through it, some lovely things. Have added link to candy post on my blog. Now will sit with my fingers crossed till Good Friday!! xx

LoloDesigns said...

ooh am now a follower too ;o)!

Tracey Taylor said...

what a FAB giveaway. I've been contemplating one of these babies.

Ginger said...

Wow! What an awesome gift! :)

Tracey said...

What an awesome giveaway. I would love to win this! Thanks so much for the chance!!

Lana Edwards said...

I see my friends that I sent your addy to have been here and love it too!! Awesome!

Nan Nix said...

You are very VERY generous! I have die's for the Cuttlebug, but not cuttlebug...don't ask how that happened!? Anyhoo.....LOVE your blog! A wink and a smile.......

Linda Crowder said...

I don't have any kind of die cut machine right now. I am on a fixed income, and like so many of the other readers, can't afford to buy everything I want or need. I linked you to my site, Any Cruel Critics? and I also was happy to be your friend by FOLLOWing your blog. I even signed up for the newsletter. I really like your designs... Thanks for sharing all the cool tips and techniques. Linda Crowder, Dallas TX

MarikaGabez said...

Wow, Melissa - what a wonderful giveaway. I have linked back to you from my sidebar and become a follower of your blog.

I have add linkHere

Chrissy's Creations said...

I added your fabulous blog candy to my sideboard. Thanks for the chance to win!!! Happy stamping, Christine

Suzy said...

Oh, my got. What a wonderful candy.

I link this on my blog - on blog candy bar.

Suzy said...

And i am you follower, to.

Adiya said...

What a great giveaway!
That is my dream!

I'm a follower and also blogged you (On the right)...


Nikki said...

Hi What a Fantastic Giveaway so sweet of you :)
I've added a link for you Here
Thanks for the chance :)

Maria said...

Hi! it's lovely. It's great giveaway. Thank u

Happie Stamper said...

Wow! you have such awesome ideas. I love the Abbey Road paper also! Great ideas with htem. I hadded a link to my blog. I always wanted to get the cuttlebug. Thank you!

isa & marta said...

Pero que encantadora propuesta.Apuntame en el sorteo.
Mi blog

moi said...

OMG, a cuttlebug! It's fantastic.
I've added a link in my Blog.

Thanks, for the chance, moi

Heather said...

WOW! Very generous giveaway. I'm already a follower and I will mention your blog candy on my blog! Have a great weekend!

BrujaCanela said...

I'm your follower, I hope to get lucky!
Thankyou for the great opportunity


Pd: Sorry for my poor English xD


Sol said...

Hi, I'm from Barcelona and I love this machine!!!! I'll like to be your friend right now!!!! I'll go to link you to my Blog. Please visit me.
Kisses!!!! ;-P

Michelle said...

OMG! I so NEED that Cuttlebug! LOL! Mine died in action :(! I have to replace it now so this would be AWESOME!! I posted on my blog and am alredy a follower! I sure hope Good Friday is GOOD to me! LOL! Thanks for a chance!! Here's my link

Anonymous said...

Lovely blog and wonderful giveaway. Will post a link on my blog later today. Am a follower.
Please check my giveaway.



Anonymous said...

Wow....what awesome blog candy! I have signed up to be one of you loyal followers because I like you blog also.
I will add you to the sidebar of both of my blogs and
Thanks for the chance to win.

Jackie (Tillie's Daughter) said...

What a fantastic give away -- you are most generous.
I'm sure any of us who have commented here would be thrilled to pieces to be the lucky winner.


Memories for Life said...

Blogged about ya here:

Little Scraps of Heaven Designs said...

Wow, what a great give away. I am trying to figure out how to add a link of your give away to my blog, but am unsure how.
So hopefully I can figure it out before the 10th.

Little Scraps of Heaven Designs said...

Ok, I have it posted. and you'll be able to see it.

Janine said...

Oh wow, you are just too kind. What an awesome giveaway. I don’t own a Cuttlebug but would love to. My friend has one and she always brings it with her to our monthly get together, and we all get to use it. But having my own would be awesome.

Lainy's Little Blog said...

Wow! What a giveaway, so generous. I have posted a link to your candy on my blog. Hugs, Lainy xxx

Queen Margot said...

I want it!!

i'm already Follower and I'm making the link!!!

Gillian said...

oh please include me in the giveaway! I've been researching cuttlebugs recently and really want one! Just became a follower and will link to the giveaway next blogpost!

Anonymous said...

I love your Tussie Mussie! It would be perfect for hanging on a door knob on May 1st as a May Basket, or for a Mother's Day gift.


Anamar Orozco said...

wowww, still I can not believe what I read here, thank you very much for your site, i am not your follower but i will be, thank you for the great oporttunity !!!

I will go put you a link on my blog

have you nice day

Roxana Mabel said...

Happy April!!! and thank you
my blog

Alison said...

OMG what a generous giveaway! I've linked you to my blog on my sidebar.
Happy Easter!

Daniella said...

Wow I want a cuttlebug so much!and I haven't had the money to purchase one so I want to be a part of this giveaway. I also became a follower and my blog is
Happy Easter from Argentina

Donna said...

I can't believe you are giving away a Cuttlebug. I love mine
and would gladly donate this one
to my niece who is following in
my crafting footsteps. Please
pick us.

Anonymous said...

Wow! What a giveaway, so generous.
I love your stuff too!
I have put a link on my blog!

Hugs Susan

Mescrap said...

Thank you for such generous giveaway.
I wish I can have one cuttlebug.

Thank you.

Lay Hoon

Gladys said...

Hola, gracias por tu generoso sorteo.
Te escribo desde Argentina. Me encantaría contar con la máquina. No tengo blog, pero te cargaré en Reader. Saluditos! Gladys Vega

Anonymous said...

This sounds too nice to be true!! Wow.. A Cuttlebug.. Please count me in! I've become your follower, and I'll link you too!
Thanks for the chance!!
X, Ava

Carol said...

What a great giveaway!! I do not have blog, but will share your site with my stamping friends. Really great work on your site.

Denny said...

Hi, I'm from Guadeloupe and I love this machine!!!! I'll like to be your friend right now!!!! I'll go to link you to my Blog....Besossssss

pam said...

I love your work! I signed up to be a follower. I don't have a blog yet but I am posting emails to all my stamping friends. Thanks for the chance to win.

Audrey said...

Hi Melissa,
I enjoyed reading your blog. I would love to win the Cuttlebug as I can get no sich thing here in Mexico. I will let people know on my
Have a blessed day!!

Judith said...

Me encantaria poder participar en el sorteo.
Muchas gracias

Anonymous said...

Such an inspirational site! Love your talent!

I don't have a blog, but I will forward the e-mail to all my scrappy friends.


Nelda Deakins said...

I don't have a blog, but will forward the info to my stamp club members. Thanks for sharing your goodies AND your blog! I've subscribed, and now must go all the way back to its beginning! You are so talented! Nelda Deakins aka
nelda mc765 at charter .net

Gilda said...

What a wonderful give-away. I will tell my stamping friends. I will also subscribe. Thanks.

Jackie said...

What a fabulous giveaway! Thanks for the chance.

Anonymous said...

What a great giveaway!! And you made it so easy. I do not have a blog but will spread the rule to all of my stamp club and crop club and they will all spread it on.
Thanks for this chance to win.
Linda Peterson

Anonymous said...

I don't have a blog but I belong to about 15 online papercrafting groups and I can easily spread the word! I don't understand what becoming your friend involves - I'm not up to date technilogically speaking. LOL!
Diane Young

Lesley said...

Hello Melissa,

I will add my name as a follower of your blog. I don't have a blog, but will put a link to your giveaway out on a couple of yahoo groups I'm in.

Terri said...

Wow! Thanx for a chance for this great giveaway.

Crafty Guam Girl said...

Such very generous Blog candy!!!
I have linked your blog on mine.

Hugs & good luck to all!!

Sena said...

I am a follower and I have linked you at

Crazy For Scrapping said...

Linking and posting to my blog.
Thanks for the chance to play, also became your friend.

good luck to everyone and big Hugs to Melissa

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