Thursday, April 30, 2009

Scalloped Pocket Card and a Giveaway!!!

***Now Closed! Will be back later with my winner!!***
Hi Everyone! Well, it's that time again! Time for another giveaway!! But first I just want to show you a fun pocket card that you can make! And it only takes minutes to do! Today's fun Ways to Use it challenge over at SCS is to use white cardstock only. So I made this fun Scalloped Pocket card by first taking a piece of round scalloped DP and tracing just the top half onto a piece of white CS, trim it out and fold to make the pocket. Then just cut another piece of paper to put inside the pocket! These are alot of fun because you can also put a gift card inside of it along with the card!

After I made my pocket I just ran the closed pocket through my Cuttlebug with my all time fave Emb Folder, Swiss Dots. I then dressed it up with some pretty ribbon, pearl stick pin and a stamped Rubber Cafe butterfly. The card itself has a Studio G stamp(many thanks), a Prima Stamp(pink dots) and a Melissa Frances Rub-On as well as another butterfly. I hope you like it!

Now onto the Giveaway! Let's see I have alot of little fun things to give away this time!

~ Basic Grey 6x6 Lime Rickey Paper Pad
~ EK Success Scalloped Edge Punch- Medium
~ American Crafts Circle Calendar Stamp 2x2
~ A Crop-A-Dile II Big Bite!!

All you have to do is leave a comment here at this post and a link to my giveaway on your blog! Don't have a blog? That's ok, just tell me how you will spread the word about my giveaway!(I trust you! *wink*) And if you would like 2 chances, become my friend(follower)! You know the drill!! You have until next Thursday, April 30th! I will pick my winner at 3 pm and announce it sometime that night! And you know me, I will probably add more to this before it is all done!! So Good Luck!!

Have a wonderful day!! :)

***Now Closed! Will be back later with my winner!***



Liyana said...

I want this please! Hehe. :)

I'm a follower and I'll tweet this, is that okay?


Татьяна Шаргородская said...

Hello! I've linked your candy on my sidebar under the section "Blog Candy".
And I'm your Follower!
Thanks for a chance to win!


Moni said...

Waw fab givaway, would love to win it! I am already your follower and linked you on my blog! Thanks for the chance! Hugs, moni

Shauna said...

I would l♥ve to win this~! :)

Shawnsgirl315 said...

What great blog candy! Everything I am wanting. I am already a follower and have posted on my blog. Here is the link:

Lilacanglia said...

Love that pocket card,
Was already a follower before the candy,
Thanks for the chance to win,
have put a link on MY BLOG Hugs

Colleen said...

Beautiful card and Ilove that bow.

Anonymous said...

Oh... This one I like!!!
I've linked to you on my sidebar ( And I'm already a follower!!!

Anonymous said...

Very pretty, No I don't want the Candy I would rather someone else get it I just waned to say the Card is very Lovely. Yes I am a Follower of your blog, Just wondering if this one will be on your sore for sale. Please Let your followers know.
Have a great Day.
Hugs : )

LoloDesigns said...

I love your blog and am already a follower! Have linked you on my sidebar. Beautiful card and yes I love the swiss dots too xx

Anonymous said...

what a sweet card! Good luck everyone, I have a big bite and love it!

Esme said...

Hi Melissa!

What a generous giveaway!!
I'm already a follower, but have popped a link on my candy sidebar

Esme x

Julie said...

Ooh Melissa, I would love to win that lovely candy. Off now to link you to my candy bar. Already a follower.

Julie x

jangra said...

This is so neat! I'm usually a lurker, but I LOVE your creative style and wanted to say how impressed I am with your blog. And I really love your card posted on SCS for the white CS challenge... WOW! I don't have a blog but I'll tell, and thanks for the chance to win this super giveaway!

Vickie said...

Lovely card! I blogged about your giveaway here:

Vickie said...

I am a follower since your last great giveaway!

diamonlove said...

Hello from Siberia! I've been your folower for 2 months now, and I love your blog and your creations. Thank you for the chance to participate in winning such a wonderful candy! I've linked it here:

Anonymous said...

I've been a follower for awhile so I'm linking your candy now!!! By the way...great give-a-way.

Unknown said...

Hi, I'm already your follower.
Thanks for the chance to win this lovely candy. I'll be so happy to win this one!
My link is here:

Happy crafting!!!
Julia from Hungary

mitch1066 said...

blogged about you and i'm already a follower...great card!!

Mel said...

Thanks for the chance to win---I've emailed the link to all my scrap buddies!

Queen of Scraps said...

I love the crispness of your white card pocket!

Jenny B in Indy said...

I would loooove the Lime Rickey pad! YUM!!!
Please enter me and of course, I will post this on my blog and tell the Fiskateers :)

Heather said...

Love the card. I need that swiss dots folder. I am already a follwer and I will be posting the giveaway on my blog.

Helen said...

Your scalloped pocket card is adorable! I'm already a follower and my blog site is:

akagreenhouse said...

What a cute card idea! Love that! I don't have a blog, but I will email my stamping buddies and let them know about your generous giveaway. Also, I'm a follower...I get your blog in my google reader. Thanks for sharing with us. Cathy

Tamikko said...

What a great card, I love the swiss dots. I'm a follower now, but have been enjoying your site for a while now.
Love the little owl, soo cute!
I don't have a blog yet but I've sent your blog addy to some friends who love to scrap and make cards.
Thanks for the chance to win.

Ms. Cheryl said...

Gee, I thought I already was a follower but my pic didn't pop up so I am a follower for sure now. My computer had a crisis earlier this week and I had to call Trend Micro to get it fixed. I had to delete cookies and history and some stuff I don't understand so that could have messed me up here too. Anyway I am definitely a follower!! I visit your blog daily, Thanks, ms.cheryl

Ms. Cheryl said...

I copy and pasted your giveaway on my blog here : I wish there was a pic to add. All that scrumpious sounds wonderful.
That white card is devine and I would love to give it a try. My next purchase has to be the swiss dot folder. I like everything I've seen done with it.
Thanks so much, ms.cheryl

madcapfrenzy said...

Awesome card. So cute!
I also posted about your awesome giveaway on my blog: am totally going to have to get me that dot folder, I love polka dots. Once again, such a cute card!

Unknown said...

Hi, my link
and I am a follower

Lynnette Davis said...

Hi Melissa!
I'm already a followerer of your blog and I have posted this awesome giveaway announcement on my blog at:

Thanks for offering up so many yummy blog candy prizes. I LUV it!!!

Sassy's Ramblin's said...

YES! Cool blog candy! :-) I will go and make a blog port now! WOO HOO! and I love love love the pocket card!

Nikki Love said...

W@Wsers!! what awesome, yummy blog candy!!! Lynnette (above) from WindingRoadHousewife sent me from her blog. I'm now a follower and heading over to my blog to spread the word ;)

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful card. I fowarded this to my friends so they can see for themselves.

Unknown said...

As my 1 year old nephew says: "WOW!"
Fantastic candy! Thanks for the chance to win! I've linked you on my side-bar and I'm already a follower.

Michelle's Daydreams said...

Happy Thursday! I love the way you did the envelope. I'd love a chance to win! I'm off to add a link to my blog right now. :) Michelle

Anne said...

oh fabby candy Melissa, and I do love that cute card!!
I'm already a follower hun and I'll gladly link your candy on my side bar,
thanks for the chance to win
Anne x

Bowen Family- Ashley said...

I love all the work that you do!Awesome Job!!

terriavidreader (IN-USA) said...

Lovely candy! Thanks for offering it. I'll be sure to list this on my candy blog Here . I'm a follower, so list me twice please!! (yea I really want to win)

Rachel B said...

Wow Melissa: you posted this like 6 hrs ago and you already have 42 comments! I could only wish for that kind of traffic to come look at my craftiness!
Thanks for a chance to win. I linked you candy to my sidebar. I am already a follower...
Rachel B

2amscrapper said...

Hi Melissa! Great card and great give-away. You offer so much blog candy that I think I'm going to keep your link up permanently on my blog candy sidebar: http:/
Already an avid follower.

Marsha said...

Hi greatcard and great giveaway I will post a link on my blog pronto.

Aphra Bolyer said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Chrissy's Creations said...

I'm a follower and I have linked your fabulous blog candy to my sidebar. Thanks for the chance to win! Oh and your pocket card is just beautiful!

Aphra Bolyer said...

Oops...messed up the last post. Sorry. This is an awesome giveaway. Got my fingers crossed! I posted a link at Thanks for the chance!

Anonymous said...

Oh there is a post on my blog too about your Give away. forgot to say that before.

Hugs : )

♥Silvana♥ said...

I just become a follower..great blog ... thanks fot the chance to win yummy candy...I put a link in my blog.

Kim Marie said...

Darling card and I totally dots are THE BEST reason to have a CB!!
I've linked you and I'm following you (doesn't that sound creepy?!)

Anyway, thanks for the chance!
Kim Marie

Erika M. said...

I love your blog and all the incredible inspiration that I find here! I will post on because I don't have a blog!

Pookeybear said...

Sure would be nice to win something

Sharon said...

Melissa-love the card!! Thanks for a chance to win fun blog candy. I will link you to my blog as usual. Just an FYI I posted a link on my blog to your store too!! Congrats!! Sharon

Anonymous said...

Crystals blog candy

Hi Everyone: Here is a link to go over and try and win some good Blog candy. Go say Hi to Crystal and tell her all about what you like to do in the Summer. She will have her candy up until Wednesday April 29th so hop on over and Visit Crystal she has a beautiful blog .

Anonymous said...

Hello Melissa!
I put up a link on my blog: about the awesome giveaway!

Jan said...

I just love your blog and am already a follower! I don't have a blog, but I tell all my stamping friends and send them links to your blog! Thanks for the chance to win some blog candy!

jeanie de la rama said...

i'm already a follower and linked your blog candy here...

Toni said...


connie said...

Love the card. I don't have a blog. thanks for a chance to win.

connie said...

I became a follower of your blog.

blaznpat said...

Your card is Beautiful! This is the first time that I have visited you blog, and it won't be the last!
You are so talented! I am going to email my friends and your blog, since I do not have one of my own.

mica said...

Hi Melissa,
Love this pocket card :) I am already a follower.

Teresa said...

I wish I had a blog. And everyone at ACOT has already seen the same thread a I have. But I would love a chance for the BG papers.

Scrappinology said...

I love the idea for the pocket! I am gonna give it a go!!

I will post about you on my blog and I will definately be a follower! I LOVE your cards!

Thanks for the chance!


Memories for Life said...

Your giveaways are the best! I blogged about you here:

Memories for Life said...

And I am a follower :)

Gina K said...

That card is a really cute idea! I like the idea of using it as a gift card holder. Thanks for the RAK, too. That's sweet of you. I don't have a blog except on I'll spread the word via that one.

Rita Barakat said...

You're always doing something cool on this blog! Already a follower postin' a reference right now! Check out my blog
Pick me! Pick me!I have been eying up that Lime Rickey!

Connie S said...

Thanks for the opportunity to win! I will email all my scrapping buddies and place it on my facebook page.

Olga said...

Oh such generous! I adore tools! Thank you, Melissa.
I'm your follower and posted about your candy at my sidebar.
Your works are great and this postcard too! Nice idea!

Ksenia said...

Great candy! I linked you
And i'm your follower1

Anonymous said...

Lovely candy! Would love to be included! I put a link on my sidebar.

Marjanne said...

Hi I love this card, really nice, I am allready a follower and I will link you on my blog. Have a nice weekend!!

Kristen Watts said...

OHHHH. I would love to get new goodies! I don't have a blog, but I will leave it on every post I make to or 52 sketches 52 weeks! Thanks for the chance!

Wellnifty said...

Lovely candy Melissa, thanks for the chance, I've linked it on my side bar, and I'm already a follower.

Chris x

annemk said...

omg... what a great giveaway.
as I don't have a blog you will have to trust me to spread the word where I can!

Natalie Z said...

Hello! I've linked your candy on my sidebar under the section "Blog Candy".

Thanks for the chance to win!

Hugs Fifi.

Natalie Z said...

And I'm your Follower!


Leesa said...

You have such an adorable blog with a fantastic giveaway! I linked your blog and this post to my blog and am now also a follower. Thank you for the chance to win!

Lan said...

What a great giveaway! Will add to my blog and become a follower now.

btsoi. said...

Awesome! I think I already have you on my Google Reader but I'll start following you just in case ;)

Adiya said...

What a beautifull pocket card!
Thank you for a chance to win!

I'm already a follower...bloged you here:


Lynda said...

Hi Melissa. Thanks for putting forward this opportuniny. However (alas) I am thwarted...I have no blog and for some reason my computer does not like FEEDBLITZ so I can not subscribe. I am going away v soon to a craft weekend and will shout ur virtues fm the rooftops (well fm my chair at least) and 40 other people will know of your wonder and talent. Thanks for sharing ur creations.

nfaband said...

Love your blog, love all the examples you show, love the happy colors ... and I'd love to win your blog candy, so I've posted all about your site and giveaway on my blog ... wooo whooo! Good luck everyone!

Jacilynn said...

Gorgeous Card! and Great Candy. Your blog is beautiful. Thanks for the chance to win. I'm a follower!

Lydia said...

This is my first time to your blog and I think it is wonderful, if your handing out some candy I would sure love that big bite, I could use a more heavy duty hole punch!

Unknown said...

Hi! Thank`s for the chance to win!
I made a link to this post on my blog

Unknown said...

And I'm your Follower!

Drea said...

Girl...........your cards ROCK! You are so darn talented!!

Jorgelina said...

Beautiful card!
Thanks for the chance to win.

Nancy said...

Melissa: If you have a button, I will be glad to add it to my blog. I know many of my followers are scrapbook enthusiasts.

Anna said...

Congratulations , great candy, I would love to be in with a chance to win. I will add a link on my blog now.


Lisa said...

thanks for the chance to win great fat free candy, I added you to my candy bar :)

Anonymous said...

cool blog!
I've posted a little snip bit about your giveaway on my arty crafty how to blog...

Goat Gal said...

This is such a great give away! I would love to win! You are linked on my blog.

Ayelet said...

Oh, fab! Love the scalloped punch!!!
I've linked you on my sidebar. Thanks for the chance!
Also, I am a follower...

Andrea said...

How sweet and generous of you to share ideas AND have an awesome giveaway! I'm eagerly awaiting an order of Lime Rickey papers and chipboard - LOVE that line and would LOVE to win your giveaway, but I'm going to share (like all good scrappers do) and email a link to my scrappin' gang in SE Louisiana!

Créations Michelle said...

Beautiful as always! I've posted your link on my website and I am now a follower!

Christine said...

I'm already a follower and would love to be entered.

I wanted to tell you I'm also having a giveaway with an extra option of making bookmarks for more entries. It won't be closing for a couple of days because I don't have enough entries yet. Go check it out!!!


Smita said...

Lovely tutorial Melissa. Cutting a scalloped circle with decorative scissors is quite a pain sometimes, though. Would love to win all that candy, maybe the scallop punch is easier to use :-)

I am already a follower. Will post a link to your candy on my blog rightaway.


Linda w said...

Loved the card idea Melissa. I am definitely going to pass your blog addy on to my stamping friends that get together with me.

thanks much

kristy said...

Love the card! Such great creativity

Ivolina said...

Fantastic card. So elegant and tender. I love this butterfly's.
Lovely candy. Thank you for a chance. I am your follower and I have left a link about your candy on my blog sidebar.

Janine said...

Oooooo awesome blog candy. Love you card and check in almost every day to see your creations. Thanks for sharing.

Caroljenks said...

Gorgeous blog and fab candy. Will def be back to check out your Pocket Card in more detail :)
Putting in for my first entry to your candy - now a follower :)

Carol x

Caroljenks said...

Hi again :)
Have added a link to your candy on my blog - even added a picture of a Crop-a-Dile!!!
Carol x
My Blog

Megan said...

I blogged about your giveaway here:

I also follow your blog regularly. :)

Nikki said...

Hi Pretty Card
thanks for the chance
Nikki C
added a link on my site

Marika said...

Thanks for the chance to win all this loveliness.
Have linked you on my blogI'm already a follower as I love your creations :)


~*~ Stephanie ~*~ said...

Pick me Pick me :) LOL

Thanks for offering up soo many awesome giveaways all the time!!

Here is the link to my blog!

and I've been a follower already for awhile :)

Laurel said...

Fabulous card and I have linked your blog.

Lena Katrine said...

Wow! Great candy! I've put a link to it in my candybar :)

CJJohnson said...

Love the candy... it's posted.

Goat Gal said...

I follow you

Julie Temple said...

Beautiful Blog and NUMMY-LICIOUS candy!! Thanks for the chance!! I will link you!!


Aisha Powell said...

This is a cute card...thanks for the chance to win some goodies. said...

oh great stuff! I will follow and tweet!

imsteelefullofscrap said...

What a great idea I love using my swiss dot folder for everything makes everything just pop more.. Actually I love all my cuttlebug embossing folders wouldn't ever get rid of them!

Creativika said...

Hello! I linked your candy on my sidebar! Thanks for the chance to win!

Heather said...

WOW! Beautiful project. I love how you did the scalloped pocket! The butterflies are beautiful. I'm a follower of yours and linked you on my blog.

Just Sweet Creations said...

Cute card! Linked you to my blog. Thanks for the chance Huggs Anne L.

Carole RB said...

Hi Melissa
I love your project. Thanks for a chance to win this great blog candy. Sorry I don't have a blog but I'll tell my friends. I'm one of your follower.

Adi said...

Hi Melissa, thank you very much for the chance to win your generous candy! I linked you in my blog here: and I'm also a follower :)

Blessings from Israel,

Vintage Sandy said...

Please enter me in your giveaway will post you on my sidebar!!

4paws said...

I would love a chance to win. I am a regular at my HL and told the dept manager about your site and a couple of ladies in the stamping isle.
Thanks for a chance,

Anonymous said...

I'm a follower, and you are already linked to my blog! Thanks for the chance to win!!

auntdeedee said...

What a great blog! Just came across it tonight!!! I posted about your blog on mine!! I'm now a follower too!! :)

Kristine said...

This is sooo pretty Melissa!! Love the scallop and that it's cuttlebugged!! I don't want to be counted for the blog candy--just feels weird to do that on friends' blogs, but just wanted to comment on this beautiful creation!! :)

IAmMarie said...

What a Fabulous Blog! I am still trying to start mine up but will spread the word about yours throughj emails. I hope to get my blog up by tomorrow, if so, I will post this on there too!

Love that scalloped card!

Inky Hugs to you,
Marie R

Sammie said...

Please enter me for your giveaway. I have put a link to it on my Candy Shop side bar.
Many thanks,

Anonymous said...

Hi, I've just found your Blog & I love it. The pocket card is fab.I dont have a Blog but have emailed my crafty friends. And I am about to be a follower of yours now. Thanks for sharing your creations with all us crafters.

Anonymous said...

I would like to sign up but I don't have a blog. I will tell my scrapping friends though! I will also sign up to be a follower. You have some great stuff!

Gail said...

Hello Melissa ~ your little scalloped pocket card is so adorable. I am going to give it a shot.

Thank you so much for a chance to win some blog candy ~ I've linked you up under my "Candy-Blog Shoppe"

twinkle teaches said...

Thanks for an awesome giveaway!!! I am going to twitter about it right now. :)
my twitter name is twinklescraps

:) tina

Lisa T said...

Ooh! I love the tip to run the closed folder through the Cuttlebug. I wouldn't have thought to do it after the card had been made!

I've added you to my list of blog candy on my blog's side bar and I've been a follower for a while.

Anonymous said...

Goodness I forgot to post here. I posted your candy on my sidebar. Thanks so much for the chance to win such yummy goodies.

Anonymous said...

I have also been a follower for a while now. Thanks again! >:0)

Pamela said...

I'm a follower and have left a link to your great candy on my blog.

orna a said...

I love your candy blog!!!!
I promiss I'll spread the word among forums I paticipate!
I have bbecome a follower as well!

Thank you;

Lynnette Davis said...

woo-hoo! Today's the day.

robin said...

beautiful card. :) linking at my blog right now! xoxo

Christine said...

Thanks for such a great giveaway! I'm having a giveaway as well. Go check it out! It ends soon!


Christine said...

Oh, and I'm already a follower!