Now onto my winner! I truly wish I could give you all a Cricut Cake! I really do! But unfortunately, there is only 1 to give away! After spending 2 hours, printing, sorting and cutting all the names, my 4 yr old son chose this lucky person to win the Cricut Cake! (He loves doing this!!)
♥♥♥ Lynn Bonilla! You are my lucky winner! You must email me (sidebar) within 5 days to claim this prize or I will have to choose another winner. Congrats Lynn! ♥♥♥
Thank you to everyone who left a comment for this giveaway and for all my new friends! I will be back soon with pics of the new baby, if not sooner! ;) And in celebration of the new arrival I will be having another giveaway real soon! You won't be disappointed, so stay tuned for that! You all really are the BEST!! Enjoy the rest of your summer!!
Much hugs and love....
Congratulations Lynn!
Can't wait to see pictures of the new baby Melissa! Take care!
Congrats to the winner...and good luck with the baby!
Congrats lucky girl ! :-))
Congrats Lynn!!!
Oh, I'm deligthed to see that you're still hanging around, Melissa, you had me worrying a bit here :-/
Wish you all the best for the remaining week before your C-section, make sure you get all the rest you can have; sit back; put your legs up high and enjoy, if you can !
Good luck to you from me,and thank you for giving me the chance to win :-)
Мелисса! Удачи тебе и твоему малышу! Пусть будет здоровеньким и радует окружающих!!!!!
My heart was beating like crazy till I see the lucky name!!! Congrats to the winner she is so lucky!!! Have a peaceful birth and my best wishes for the baby to come!!!
Kisses and hugs from Greece
Parabéns a vencedora... e que Papai do céu esteja abençoando grandemente esta reta final de sua gravidez.... amei conhecer seu blog seus trabalhos são encantadores....parabens
congrats lucky winner
melissa thanks for giving this great candy hun
i hope the birth of your son will be smoothley, and enjoy when you have him, i'm looking forward to see the pictures of him
hope you feel yourself beter soon
hugs angelique
Congratulations to the winner ... Father of heaven and that is greatly blessed this final stretch of her pregnancy .... I loved your blog know their jobs are lovely .... congrats
Congratulations Lynn!!!
Thanks Melissa.
Congratulations Lynn!
thanks for oportunity Melissa
Congrats lynn...
And congrats to you for still hanging in there....the best part is finally almost here...Yeah :0)
Congrats to Lynn and good luck with the baby, Melissa!!
Congratulations to |Lynn on winning the Cake. Good luck Melissa on the soon to be birth of your baby.
Congratulations Lynn!! Have fun with your new Cricut Cake machine!!
Thank you Melissa for the wonderful giveaway. I am sending you happy thoughts for a safe and speedy delivery.....Congrats!!
Congrats Lynn!
Melissa I was sure your little one had arrived early and fully expected you to return with pictures. Praying for all the very best for you and your little one. Can't wait to see the pictures.
Hugs & Blessings Bernie
So glad all is still going well-I was wondering! Congrats to Lynn! Lucky duck.
Best of luck with the arrival of your new son... can't wait to hear his name! Congrats to your winner
Take care ♥
glad to here you are ok~ but boy am i jealous of Lynn.
happy to hear you are well, Melissa. Best Wishes for the arrival of your baby boy!
Congrats to Lynn :o)
Congrats Lynn!
You had me worried there Melissa! So glad things are OK, and just a few more days to meet your new little blessing! :-)
Best wishes, can't wait to see the new little one! :)
Congrats to Lynn. Will be looking forward to pictures of the newest family member!
Oooo Melissa - so glad to see you back! Was kinda curious that you were ok - but didnt want to leave a message in case you were poorly and then had to go to the hassle of answering it! Phew!
Cant wait to see the pics of your new son! Bless! Hope everything goes fine on the day! Get some sleep now - see if you can stock up on it!
Well done winner!!! Looking forward to seen baby pics!!! Leigh x
Congrats to lucky Lynn!
Congratulations Lynn.Good luck Melissa with forth coming arrival.
love n hugs judex
Congratulations to Lynn and so glad you are OK, if feeling a little out of sorts due to the pregnancy nearing it's end. I hope all goes to plan and that your new son makes his arrival on schedule.
Kim xXx
Deus te abençoe neste momento tão especial,beijos
Congrats to the winner!!! I bet you are excited and more then ready to have this little guy appear in your lives.....I love babies, they are so dependent and don't know the word "NO" yet...LOL!! Good luck to you!!
Congrats Lynn! Wishing you all the best, Melissa!
congrats to the lucky winner...!
congrats girl!
So glad to hear that everything is okay with you other than being in the final stretch of pregnancy. Both my children were cesarean births. The first was a month overdue with a due date of October 10 and actually born on November 4. The second was a scheduled cesarean but that child layed on every nerve in my body from my neck down. I loved being pregnant but also couldn't wait for it to be over in the last months. So I can sympathize. Hope all go smoothly for you and your family. Thank you so much for the opportunity to win the Cruicut Cake but a big Congrats to Lynn for winning!
Thanks for stopping by my blog Melissa. Just wanted to pop on over here and wish you a happy birthday!
Only 2 more days to go and you get to hold your precious son ♥♥♥ May you experience God's peace as you wait for the big day! I pray for health and strength for you and your baby.
Thank you so much for letting us play in your candy giveaway.
Lots of love and hugs ~
I added myself to follow your blog. You are more than welcome to visit mine and become a follower if you want to.
God Bless You ~Ron
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