Thursday, August 13, 2009

I am featured on the Inspirational blog today!

What a surprise this morning when I received an email from the super sweet Mandy from the Inspirational team asking if I would mind being featured today! My response was "Are you kidding!" What an honor! What sweet words she wrote! Wow! Thank you so much! I really appreciate it! This made my week!! You can see the post HERE.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Thank you everyone! You ALL are the best! And to show my appreciation, I will be having a giveaway shortly!! *wink* *wink*



Juls said...

I am really pleased. It means I have been able to pop across and descover your blog! You are incredibly talented! I have loved having a look around your blog!

Mandy said...

aw hun! you are more than welcome!

hugs mandyxx

HazelQ said...

Congratulations on being featured on the Inspirational blog! Your cards are lovely and you deserve it :)

Tracey said... deserve it

angel wishes tracey

sandra said...

I saw it!

Suzi Mac said...

You deserve this recognition, I've been a follower for a while now and your work is so inspirational, many congratulations.
Suzi xx

Shauna K said...

congrats!!! how super exciting :D

Anonymous said...

Congratulations. Your blog is wonderful.

connie said...


Kim. said...

Congratulations on being featured on the Inspirational blog. Your cards are always lovely, you deserve it.
Kim xXx

Leanne said...

Woo Hoo! You go girl! I'm heading to check it out!! Congrats!!

Sandi (Meme) said...

What an honor! Have a great weekend and don't celebrate too much.

♥ Lydia ♥ said...

Many congrats! :) It's much deserved xx

Colleen said...

Congrats, well earned.

Nicki said...

Oh well done! look forward to seeing it on there!
take care

Anonymous said...

Congrats! Keep up the beautiful work. You are truly an inspiration!

lisa808 said...


Unknown said...

Oh My I thought I had left a comment!too busy looking at yr work.

Saw you on Inspiration and that you are, loving the frame it my fav so far

Love Dawn xx